Suigetsu x reader Part 2

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Your P.O.V

"Suigetsu, That's enough."

Of course it had to be Sasuke!
"Awwww c'mon, Sasuke! I was having fun!" Suigetsu stepped away from me with a frown on his face.
"Now isn't the time for that. No one wants to see both of you do that."
Sasuke had a neutral expression on his face and looked at Suigetsu. But I swear I saw a hint of jealousy on his face.
"You're ruining the moment!"

Suigetsu yelled back at Sasuke.
"I don't care. Stay away from each other. It's a distraction to you both."
Suigetsu's face started to turn red, but Sasuke remained calm.

"I don't like taking orders. She's mine. So don't try and separate us! We aren't a distraction to each other, either!"

"I don't have to try, I will. But that only if I wanted her."
Sasuke turned on his heel and walked off.
A look of anger appeared on Suigetsu's face and then he turned into liquid and disappeared out your sight.

'Why did Sasuke interrupt us? Surely he isn't interested in me....'

Should I make this a Suigetsu x Reader x Sasuke story?? Let me know in the comments.

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