Weird questions at night (Naruto guys)

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Naruto: He definitely asks the weird questions that are mostly like "do you think pigeons can understand us?" Or "hey, __ do you think Kakashi-Sensei is secretly lonely which is why he always reads his perverted books"
It's not that you didn't mind these questions, but when you were trying to sleep, you became deadly. And it usually resulted in Naruto being hit as hard as you could possibly hit him with a pillow.

Shikamaru: You ask the weird questions, and he doesn't mind, he could stay up all night talking to you, and he enjoys when you're half asleep and say the stupidest things, he would never hit you with a pillow.

Kiba: it's 50/50 with this one, it depends on the day, and how sleepy you both are, most of the time you two only ask stupid questions if you're drunk or slap happy.

Shino: You both don't really ask stupid questions, but you will sometimes ask questions at night that he think the answer to would be completely obvious.

Sasuke: No, that never happens unless one of you are sleep talking or drunk, and if you annoy him with too many questions, he will hit you with a pillow and then turn over and go to sleep.

Gaara: You would like to stay up and talk with Gaara and ask him all kinds of questions, but due to him being the kazekage, he enjoys what little sleep he gets, and you don't want to bother him.

Kakashi: It's never weird questions with him, just perverted ones when he won't let you sleep, and the end result is you trying to suffocate him with a pillow.

Choji: He often keeps you up at night wondering what foods would taste like if they were mixed together, and it usually makes you hungry, so you have to get a night snack, and when he won't shut up you hit him.

Kankuro: nope, he's out as soon as he hits the bed, not to mention he's a heavy sleeper.

Lee: it's usually you doing the talking, but he never gets tired of hearing your voice.

Guy: All he ever does at night is talk and asks stupid questions, he's so full of energy you can't always get enough sleep, and you don't hesitate to  hit him multiple times with your pillow until he shuts up.

Itachi: He sometimes keeps you up at night, asking questions about your future, or who your lives would have been different if some things didn't happen, you never get tired of imagining your future with him.

Yamato: He asks you how your day was, he bombards you with questions about how any training went, or missions, he's always worried about your safety.

Sai: He asks you a lot about how emotions works, and how to try and connect with people, and you try to help him as best you can, but when he can't take a hint, you try and break his face with a pillow.

Neji: you both don't ask questions, believe it or not, Neji loves to sleep when he can, and so do you. Occasionally he snores, and then you try to murder him with his pillow when he gets too loud.

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