Moving on! Cheater! Jealous! Sasuke x Reader

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This is the third oneshot to my Cheater! Sasuke x Angry! Reader I hope you like it.

Your P.O.V

It had been 3 months after I caught Sasuke cheating in me with Sakura, again. I had moved on but remembering that moment caused my heart to shatter a bit more. I had started seeing Naruto Uzumaki since then. He confessed to me a few weeks ago stating that...
"I love you __! More than Sasuke ever did! Please, give me a chance. I know Sakura isn't the one for me. The girl of my dreams has been you all along!"

Remembering his love confession made me smile. He really did care about me. Ever since then we would take walks around the Village and go to each other's house and watch movies and eat dinner together. We weren't a official couple yet, he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. But when he thinks the time is right he will ask, I won't beg him to ask me out or anything. Being around him made me smile. He was so cheerful and loved to laugh. He wasn't like Sasuke.....Sasuke why am I comparing Naruto to him. I shook my head getting the thought of Sasuke out of my mind.

Right now I was cuddled up with Naruto watching a movie and eating popcorn. He stated that this movie was "boring" but would watch it with me. I think I was starting to fall in love with him, slowly, but I was still falling in love.
"__?" Naruto turned his head and looked at me.
"Yes?" My eyes meet his and he leaned in.
"I love you." He moved his head and his lips slowly meet mine. It wasn't a rough or quick kiss, it was gentle and kind. That might Naruto and I had our first kiss.

A few weeks later

A carnival was coming up and Naruto wanted to take me. So if course I said yes. I couldn't say no to that knucklehead Ninja. Naruto and I were now officially a couple and I fell in love with him more and more each day. I was so lucky to have him. That might I put on a (color sundress) with (color of shoes) and fixed my hair. I tried to look Nice for Naruto since it was a date. A hour later Naruto came to my house so we could walk to the carnival. It wasn't far away, maybe tens minutes from where I lived.

"That one Naruto!" I pointed to a small Naruto figure on the shelf. Naruto had won a game and asked me what I wanted.
"You want a plushie of me?" He blushed and revived the plushie and handed it to me.
"Of course I want one! It's so I can always be reminded of you when we aren't together."

Sasuke's P.O.V

I glared at them both.
' _ is mine!'
Sakura was clinging to my arm and trying to pull me around saying
"Sasuke-kun! Let's try this game!" or "Can you win something for me?!"
She was get annoying, I wish I was still with __. I hated to see her be with Naruto, I hated to see her smile and him.

No....they didn't....did they?

I just saw __ stand on her tiptoes and kiss Naruto. It made my blood boil.
I know I messed up, I just don't know how to fix it. But now I'll never get her back because she is with Naruto.

"Sakura, go find Ino or someone. I have things to take care of." I shook her grip off of my arm and she scurried off. I quickly made my way through the crowd. I went straight for __ and Naruto. As I approached them __ turned around. Her smile faded and turned into a frown and Naruto wrapped his arms around her and leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"Hey, Sasuke!" Naruto gave me a smile.
"I'm not here to see you, I'm here to see __." I fixed my gaze on __ and I saw Naruto's smile turn into one of hatred.
"I-I don't want to speak to you." __ spoke up. I made my way closer to __ and leaned down next to her ear and whispered.
"You. Are. mine." And with that I walked away leaving them both behind me.

Your P.O.V

"You. Are. Mine." Those three words ate away at me. I thought I was over Sasuke, but this just rekindled my feelings for him.

What am I going to do?

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