What do you think about SasuSaku and NaruHina

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Do you ever just have those nights where you can't sleep and random stuff pops into your head? I'm having on of those nights, and then BAM SasuSaku and Naruhina come into my mind. I might go on a rant about this but I don't know.

I'll cover SasuSaku first. When I first heard that Sasuke and Sakura were officially a couple and had a daughter I was furious (mostly because I was a huge SasuNaru fan. But I also shipped NaruSaku) Also, hearing that Karin could be Sarada's mom just made it even worse and idek why. After a while I was like "okay, it's not my story, I accept the ending he chose, and I respect that and Sasuke and Sakura are happy with each other (hopefully)"
I know Sasuke said he wanted to restore his clan but I don't think Sarada would be able to do that. Maybe Sasuke and Sakura should have another child later on. What do you all think? Comment below.

Now, NaruHina, I swear this is one of the cutest manga/anime couples I have ever saw. Naruto, who was already in love with Sakura, realized that the girl who loved him the most was always by his side, and even helping him multiple times, like the Chunin Exams and the fight with Pain. I was also kind of sad because Naruto was always wanting Sakura to notice him, and return his feelings, but she only ever saw Sasuke. So you know, kinda hit my heart just a little bit. But I'm happy with how everything has turned out. We already (SPOILER AHEAD) know that Himawari has the Byakugan, so I can't wait to see if Boruto has it.
What do you think about NaruHina? Do you think they should have more children? Do you think Boruto will unlock the Byakugan?
Comment below.

And last thing, have you seen the new design for the Characters? Especially Sasuke and Hinata and Sakura. Like, wth does Sasuke have (somewhat) curly hair? Why is Hinata's hair the way it is, and why does she barely have any boobs? With Sakura, I don't really like how short her hair is, I liked it better when it was down to her shoulders, but whatever, it's not my book or decision to make.

What do you think about the new character designs?

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