Group Chat With Male Leaf Shinobi

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Im not sure how this will turn out but I've seen a few stories like this and I think it might be fun to do.
Let me know in the comments if this was good or you never want to see another one come into this book XD
And should I make them have usernames, like an online chat? Or just keep their real names?

This is like a crack, so it might be offensive, and slight Yaoi will be mentioned.

Oh and, (__) means your name or username.
But when a character says your name it will just be __
Ka-Ka-Shi has made a group chat
(__) has been added
SasukeU has been added
NarutoU has been added
Shika has been added
SAI has been added
Yama has been added

Shika: What did you need, Kakashi?

Ka-Ka-Shi: Will the tactics in Jiraiya's books work?

NarutoU: Sensei, you perv! Go find that out yourself!

Ka-Ka-Shi: I'm about to, if __ will respond.

SAI: I believe __ is with Ino, Sakura, Choji, Neji, and Kiba but she should be home soon.

Shika: How do you know this, Sai?

SAI: Beautiful mentioned something about going out with them today.

SasukeU: How can Ino be beautiful, her name literally means 'boar'

NarutoU: Sai means the opposite of what he says. So hes saying that Ino is ugly, which he isn't wrong.

Shika: Stop bad mouthing my teammate, Idiot.

NarutoU: Who is the guy that saved the world? This guy! I'm no idiot.

SasukeU: Don't be mean to my Naruto.

Ka-Ka-Shi: We are getting off topic. Will they work?

Shika: Ask Naruto, he stayed with that perv for 2 years.

NarutoU: Nah, they never really worked.

(__): Hi guys! What were you wanting to know?

NarutoU: Is Typing

Ka-Ka-Shi: Don't you dare.

(__): Don't Naruto dare to do what?

Ka-Ka-Shi: Nothing, __

NarutoU: Kakashi-Sensei wants to know if he can get a girl with Pervy Sage's techniques in his books.

Shika: This is gonna get out of hand, but might as well give it a shot.

SasukeU: Infinite Tsukiyomi must be activated because you're everything ive dreamed of, __.

NarutoU: Wow, Sasuke can actually flirt with girls.

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