Naruto x Dead! Reader The Tragic End

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*Naruto's pov*
(F/N) I miss you....I miss your smile, the sound of your laugh. You died for the village, to keep it safe you're a Hero. Yet the only one who seems to remember you is me. Everyone else acts as if nothing happened, as if you never existed, why? Why do they act as if nothing happened to you?!
I placed the flowers on (F/N)'s grave.
"I never got to tell you.......I love you (F/N)" I felt a single hot tear run down my cheek.
"Naruto....." I heard a voice behind me when I turned to the sound of the voice it was Sakura, Kakashi, Sai, Yamato, and Tsunade.
"We're sorry you lost (F/N). We acted as if nothing happened because we didn't want to look weak...but we all miss her." I started to cry harder.
"W-weak? Y-you t-t-think c-crying o-o-over a-a f-f-friend m-makes Y-you W-weak?!" I wiped my eyes.
"It shows that you cared for them! I should have been honest with her....I should have told her that I loved her! But she's gone now so I can't tell her that I love her."
"Naruto, (F/N) knew you liked her, after she died we gave her personal belongings to her parents. Sakura came across her diary." Tsunade handed me a book with the name (F/N) on the front of it, I opened the book.
Dear Diary,
Naruto is such a goofball, but he's caring and sweet. He really cares about his friend Sasuke. I admire that about him....even years after Sasuke left he still considers him a friend even though he's done some bad things. I know that goofball likes me, I don't know how I know, I can just feel it. I should tell him I like him too.
A smile appeared on my face.
"She liked me too....(F/N) I'll never forget you, I love you I can't wait until we meet again."

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