Child! Obito x Reader That Idiot I love

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"Fire ball jutsu!" You saw Obito aim for Kakashi, his rival.
"Obito! You can't kill your teammate!" You ran up to him and punched him.
"Like he could kill me." You heard Kakashi snicker. Obito quickly recovered from the punch and sent Kakashi a death stare.
"One day I will be able to beat you!" Obito pointed at Kakashi and yelled.
"You can't even get the girl you like, how are you supposed to beat me?" Obito's face turned red and he grabbed your hand and started walking.
"Where are we going? Was Kakashi talking about Rin? I know you've had a crush on her for a while." Obito didn't answer and kept on walking still holding your hand.
"I-I don't like Rin anymore, I like someone else." He blushed but kept his face straight ahead as if he was determined to get somewhere.
"She has (y/e/c), (y/h/c)." Quickly said
Hmm who could it be? If he doesn't like Rin he'd probably like someone around his age....
"Hey! Are you listening!" Obito's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Could you repeat what you said? Sorry, I was lost in thought." You said shyly.
"You're such a scatterbrain. I was asking you if you know who I" He turned around to face you still holding your hand, he gave you a cheeky smile.
"Awe Obito, you're so cute how could Rin not return your feelings. And no, I don't know who you like."
"Well, she's right in front of me." He said while smiling. You looked around trying to see if there was any girls around.
"I'm the only girl here." You said while still looking around.
"It's you! I li-No I love you, (F/N)." Your face turned a bright red and you were unable to speak. H-he likes me? Why me? He deserves Rin.
"Is...something wrong?" Obito's voice snapped you out of your thoughts once again.
"Why me, Obito? You deserve someone like Rin."
"Because you're you....I love your smile and your cheesy jokes, you're laugh can brighten up a room, your eyes shine no matter what just happened, and most of all I love your personality." A tear escaped your eye and rolled down your cheek. You quickly wrapped your arms around Obito's neck and buried your head in the crook of his neck.
"I-I l-love y-you, O-o-obito." You sobbed. Obito wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you too."
Y/e/c = your eye color
Y/h/c = your hair color

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