Love That Shall Never Fade! Lee x Reader

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Lee's P.O.V
'My love for __ shall never fade! This love is different than what I felt towards Sakura. I become shy and I stutter when I try to talk to her. My face heats up and I have to look away from her. I want her to be the person I go to sleep with every night and wake up to every morning.'

"Hey! Lee!" A familiar voice caught my attention. I looked around to find __ smiling and waving at me.
"C'mon!" She laughed and put her hand down.
"Y-yes!" I would feel a blush slowly starting to creep up on my cheeks as I ran to __.
"Good morning, __." I Greeted her.
"Good morning, Lee." she said back and sent a small smile to me as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

It was moments like this that made me fall in love with her even more. I loved everything she did. Even if it was small things like smiling at me, it still made my stomach turn and my heart melt.

I smiled back at her.
"You are so full of youth in the morning __, how is that possible?" She looked at me and laughed a bit.
"I go to sleep early so time can go by faster and I can see the guy I love the next morning."
I felt my heart sink a little when I heard the words "guy I love"
'Did she mean Guy Sensei? '

"Who do you love __?" I forced a smile so she couldn't see the pain in my eyes.
"Well...let's see" She put a finger on her chin and began to think.
"He has bushy eyebrows, black eyes, he wears a green jumpsuit, and he's around my age. So I say the description matches you, Lee. I love you." Her cheeks turned a bright pink and she looked down. I could feel my cheeks hear up even more but as I tried to speak all I did was stutter. I couldn't get any words out so I put my hand under her chin and lifted her face up. Her eyes shimmered as her eyes meet mine. I closed my eyes and placed a soft kiss on her lips. I felt her slowly melt into the kiss and pressed her lips against mine.

This is the girl I will always love.

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