Imagine: Naruto Characters (guys only)

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Imagine: Coming home from a S or A rank mission to find Naruto has lit candles all over your house and was playing romantic music. And there were red and white rose peddles leading to the bedroom.


Imagine: Being Orochimaru's Test subject and being freed by Sasuke to later found out that he set you free because you were his Fiance since birth.


Imagine: You opening Sai's drawing book to see a picture of you and Sai side by side with you carrying a little bundle of blankets in your arms.


Imagine: Growing up with Kakashi and later finding out as a Jonin that he thinks about you and him doing dirty things.


Imagine: All the training Guy has done was to impress you so Kakashi wouldn't steal you away from him.

Rock Lee:

Imagine: Him flirting with Sakura just to try and make you jealous.


Imagine: Him Telling you it's your destiny to be with him.


Imagine: Shikamaru likes to look at the clouds because they remind him of you when you're not around.


Imagine: He shares all his food with you even when he's starving.


Imagine: During mating season he begs you to be his mate.


Imagine: He plants bugs in you so he knows everything you do. (since he's overprotective)


Imagine: After Naruto taught him that friends are important you became his first love.


Imagine: He spent all day teaching you how to use Puppets for fighting and sometimes stealing a kiss from you when you were off guard.



Imagine: He wanted a world of peace so he could live with you without fear of you being taken away from you.


Imagine: He made a clay figure of you and him holding hands and then gave it to you.


Imagine: He made a miniature puppet of himself for you to keep.


Imagine: He went to a Uchiha Hideout and got on Uchiha crest for you to put on your clothes.


Imagine: He let's Samehada give you chakra after every battle he's won.


Imagine: When he has free time he takes you bounty hunting with him so he can spend more time with you.


Imagine: He asks you to convert into a Jashinist so you can live together forever.


Imagine: He records every moment he has with you so he can watch it later when he's not with you.


Imagine: He insults you just to make you mad so he can have your attention.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, I kinda wanted to try something new for a bit. I hope you liked it.

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