Sasori x Puppet! Reader

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This is similar to my old Sasori x Puppet! Reader, but it was short and in my opinion, not very good.
(h/c) - Hair color
(s/c) - Skin color
(y/n) - Your name

        He spent hours making sure you were in top condition, from making sure your limbs were able to move and bend with ease, to repainting you when your color started to fade.

To say he was obsessive about you was an understatement, he was completely infatuated with you, even if you were now a puppet.

     He found you in the sand, while traveling with Deidara, your loose (h/c) hair spread out from your face, your (s/c) skin a pale red from the blistering heat, he could tell you hadn't been here long, a couple hours at most.

Although, what had killed you, he didn't know, perhaps a venomous scorpion or snake, that was likely the answer.
He decided to take you, he placed you on Hiruko's back, and continued traveling through the desert to one of Orochimaru's many hideouts.

He began working on you, turning you into his human puppet, perfecting you as he saw fit, adding small details you had on your human body, it was his best work yet.

"My dearest, I wish we could've met when you were alive, you are so beautiful it's hard to believe I've found the perfect puppet." He would murmur to himself.
"I don't know your name...but, I'll call you (y/n), that seems fitting."
He never used you in fights, he didn't even know what you could do when you were still alive.
Your purpose was to be admired, to be shown off like some type of prize, his most valuable prize.

Until one day...he vanished...
He didn't come back, you collected dust, the paint that made your lips colorful cracked and chipped.
Your skin color began to fade and time seemed to go by slowly, and that was all you remembered.

    Sorry! I know this sucked, but it's the first thing I've written in a while, and Hiruko is Sasori's 11th puppet, it's the one he used as his "body" when he was first introduced.
I need more one shots!! Please comment or PM me!

I need more one shots!! Please comment or PM me!

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Hiruko ⬆️

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