Kiba x Shy! Reader

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When I hear Shy!Reader I think of Hinata and how shy and quite she is, the reader might be some what like her, if you do not like Hinata I apologize.

*Your P.O.V*
"K-kiba! Wait up!" You called out as you chased after Kiba. He turned his head and laughed.
"__ you need to run faster! You'll never be able to keep up with me and Akamaru!" You stopped and bent over, your hands on your knees while you were trying to catch your breath.
Kiba stopped and turned around
"Are you ok __? I'm sorry, I pushed you too hard." He walked over to you and stood in front of you.
"No, it's alright, I need to train more anyways. But I would like to take a break." You stood up and wiped the sweat off of your forehead, Kiba smiled at you.
"Lets get ice cream, get on Akamaru and we'll go get some." Akamaru laid down as Kiba climbed on top of him, he held out his hand to you and you grabbed it and swung you right leg over Akamaru. You blushed because you we're so close to Kiba and you wrapped your arms around him so you wouldn't fall off.

"__, are you alright?" Kiba turned his head to the side to look at you. You turned your face away so he couldn't see your blush.
"Yes, I'm just tired from running." Kiba laughed
"That's understandable."

*Time Skip To The Park*
You and Kiba were walking around the park talking and eating your ice cream. You didn't say much because Kiba had a lot to say plus you were shy around him.
"__, I need to tell you something." Kiba stopped walking and turned to you.
"What is it, Kiba?"
"I like you, I want you to be my girlfriend." You stood there for a minute and your face started to heat up, your ice cream fell out of your hands and you feel backwards.
"__?! Are you ok?! Did I say something wrong?! You slowly nodded your head.
"T-take me home"

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