Reanimated! Itachi x Reader

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-Your P.O.V.-

"I-Itachi..."  My knees buckled and I hit the ground.
" that really you?" Tears burned my eyes, it was him.
"__, don't look." Sasuke grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. I turned around and pushed against his chest.
I spun around to get a better look at Itachi, looking at his body from his feet up, when I reached his face, his eyes were different.
The once white part of Itachi's eyes were now black, and in the center it was red, they were lifeless.
"Sasuke, how could you say that?! Its Itachi!" My mouth turned upwards into a wide smile as tears left my eyes.
"It's really him."
Slowly my feet picked themselves up, moving closer to Itachi, they were so heavy, yet felt so weak.
"Hello, __." Itachi gave me that soft smile he always had when I was with him. It brought back so many good memories.
"Who brought you back?"
'Itachi doesn't deserve this...'
"It doesn't matter right now, Im here right now, and I have things to do."
I didn't notice but he was walking towards me to before he stopped and smiled at me again.
"It's good to see you, __. Please, take care of yourself. I'll see you next time."
His first finger and middle finger poked my forehead.
I closed my eyes as more tears escaped.
"Thank you, Itachi."
When I open my eyes, he was gone, and all that was left was Sasuke and I.

Sorry if I hit the feels. It just came out of nowhere and I decide to write it because I knew that if I waited I would forget to or just not want to write.
Sorry it's so short.

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