Dead! Neji x Pregnant! Reader

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Sorry for such a sad picture

"Neji...are you here?"
I paused as I sat down next to the tombstone.

"I have some news; really good news; actually, but maybe you already knew that."
I smiled a little and laughed.

"Maybe you were with me this morning when I found out. If you weren't, let me catch you up."
My hand gently caressed the marble stone, tracing the indent of the name on it.

Hyuga Neji

"You're gone now, and it's been a few weeks, well....I've been getting sick recently, so I went to the hospital, and it turns out, I'm pregnant!"
My smile reached from ear to ear.

"I'm so happy, I miss you so much, but I have a part of you with me now, besides my memories."

"What do you think it is?"
My eyebrows creased with thought as my finger touched my chin.

"Maybe it'll be a little boy, or maybe, whatever gender it is, it'll look a lot like you."

'I hope our child looks like you.'

Y/N couldn't see him, but Neji was sitting right by her, hoping that their child looks as beautiful as their mother.

'I miss you too...'

A warm smile appeared on Neji's face as Y/N was still rambling on.

'I'll watch over you and our child, forever.'

"Ah, Neji, I love you, and I love our child so much already."
Subconsciously your hand went to the bottom of your stomach.

'I love both of you...'

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