Dead!Neji x Pregnant!Reader Just A Dream?

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*Flash back*
"Your fate cannot be changed." Neji spat at you.
"Don't tell me what I can't change! Every choice I make changes my fate!" You yelled.
"That's not what I mean, idiot!"
"Then what do you mean, Neji?"
"You will find out soon enough." He then walled off leaving you alone.
*Flash back end*
Neji rested his chin on your head as he hugged you.
"Your fate couldn't be changed. You were destined to be with me, to carry my child."
"Neji, I miss you so much. I can't get you out of my mind, I wish you were here with me." You hugged him tighter as if someone was trying to pull him away from you.
"I miss you too, I love you. Stay strong for our child, (F/N). Can you promise me that?" He whispered.
"I-I p-promise, N-neji." You sobbed and put your face in his shirt.
"Don't cry....we will be together as a family someday. I can't wait to meet our baby. Tell our child stories about me, ok? And (F/N) I wish I could be there with you, but I'm not suffering from the Hyuga curse anymore." He started to rub your back and your hair.
"N-Neji...What names do you like?"
"Any name you chose will be fine." He replied.
"Wake up (F/N) you were having a bad dream again." Your eyes shot open and you noticed your face was wet.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" You sleepily asked.
"I heard you crying....what's wrong?" Neji asked.
"I had a bad dream again....I dreamed about you died and I was pregnant....I was seeing you after you were dead." Neji wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise, I couldn't leave you and our baby alone" on of his hands traveled down to your stomach and gently rubbed it.
"Try to get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." He said quietly.
"I love you, Neji." You said.
"I love you to, (F/N)."
Then, you drifted off to sleep.

Is it called the Hyuga curse? I haven't watched Naruto in a long time and I forgot.

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