Terugo Hijimi

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Fun Fact: Terugo was originally going to be a girl


Terugo Hijimi, to most, was considered handsome, smart, and charming. But to people who knew him, you'd describe him as childish, sinister, and most frightening, insane.

He was 15 but his parents have already sent him to a mental hospital five times. He killed his girlfriend when he was only 13 because she talked to his older brother. She merely said Hi to him and he killed her!

That was his third time getting sent to the Psych Ward.

'Fujimoto I'm bored!' He yelled, the chains around his wrists rattling as he stood. 'I wanna-'

'You aren't going to kill anyone. I won't let you, Lord. You are the son of the most well-respected Yakuza, Azura and Yuka Hijimi, and I will not let you spoil their good name!' He yelled.

Terugo pouted, 'Pweaseeeee.'

'No, Hijimi.' He growled. Terugo was abandoned by his parents and taken in by the Hijimi Family. Sure, the Yakuza wasn't an ideal place to grow up, but it's better than the streets. That's how Hiro thought, but he could never have been so wrong.

Terugo tried locking eyes with him, but Hiro was blind in one eye, so he couldn't use his quirk. The only way for Mindjack to activate is if you see both eyes with your eyes. Both of them. So Terugo might as well be quirkless in Hiro's eyes.

He was starting to think that's why Azura and Yuka chose him.

He pouted when he finally accepted it wouldn't work. 'You're boring.'

'I may be boring but at least I'm sane.' He said. Hiro Fujimoto was quirkless, blind in one eye, had a limp, and worst of all - In Terugo's eyes - he wasn't very interesting.

Terugo groaned and let his head slam on the wall, 'But sane is so-'


Terugo glared, if Fujimoto was good at one thing, it was reading him. He could read him like a book, he knows what he's gonna say even before he does. It made him speculate that maybe Hiro did have a quirk but he kept being assured that he was wrong.

'Let me go.'

'Fine. You have to go to school in a few minutes. But I'm watching you get ready.'

Terugo's eyes narrowed, 'Pedophile.'

'A necessary sacrifice for the lives of others.' His tone is surprisingly calm as he unlocked the chains. 'There, now get ready.'

Terugo stood up smiling. Finally, he was free. He reached for the knife he hid in his pocket but felt nothing. 'Eh-?!'

'Looking for this?' Terugo looked at the man who usually bored him so awfully with a surprised smile. Fujimoto held the small pocket knife Terugo always carried away. 'Swiped it when I undid your chains. Now get ready. It's time for school.'


Terugo walked along the fence of some random house's garden. He got bored of walking though and began hopping from picket to picket.

'You're going to hurt yourself Terugo.' Hiro said, not even looking at him. 'And that's not our property.'

'I know! But the Yukisaki's don't mind!' He giggled.

Hiro sighed, 'You're 15 now. Don't you think it's time you grew up a little?'

'I'm fine thanks! If I grew up that would mean I'd be as boring as you.' His smile never faltered. Never for a second.

'Is boring the only word you can think of?'

'Yeah! But who cares?'

'I do.' Hiro sighed again, Terugo noticed he did that a lot around him. 'I think it's time we give you some private vocabulary lessons.'

'But that would be boring!' He grumbled, his girn faltering for a moment before a bird landed on his shoulder, diverting his attention. He gasped with delight as he crouched, holding the small Bush Warbler in his hands. 'Can I keep it? A pet would make things so much more interesting!' The bird chirped as if agreeing with him.

'Absolutely not.' Hiro disagreed quickly.

'Aw...' Terugo groaned. Saddened he stared at the bird while Fujimoto continued walking.

His smile reappeared as he tightened his grip. The bird chirped and tried flapping its wings, but failed. 3... 2... 1... Crack. The bird's fragile skeleton snapped.

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