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Fun Fact: Izumi was 18 when Terugo had AFO kill her


Kai hid behind the policeman who drove him to his father's house. He didn't wanna be here. He was scared and wanted to go home.

'I don't wanna be here...' Kai muttered, avoiding the light-haired man's silver eyes.

'Aww, it's okay.' Terugo got on one knee to match his son's height. 'I'll take good care of you Kai.'

Kai flinched, 'Sobo doesn't like you, she said you're a dirty rapist, someone that never shows any remorse for his devious actions. She also says you're a Bitchy Bastard.'

Terugo's eye twitched. Of course, that damned witch blabbed. 'Ah yes, Izo never did like me. I assure you I never raped your mother. Izumi and I had both consented. I promise.' Terugo lied with a soft smile.

Kai stepped back to right beside the officer who brought him there. He looked to the side. 'Sorry... But I have to believe Sobo... I can't trust you yet.'

Terugo frowned before smiling again, 'Well I suppose that is fair. It's not like you know me or anything.'

'Go on Chisaki.' The policeman said.

Kai took a few steps forward. He was still scared, but he didn't wanna disobey. He was scared to disobey honestly.

It's not like Izo did anything to make him afraid. He was just scared of his Father. Especially since this was his first time meeting him.

'There we go that's better.' Terugo smiled at him. 'Come on I'll take you to your room okay?'

Kai looked back at the officer, 'Go on.' He said. Kai nodded and followed his father inside.


Kai was brought to an empty room. There were tapestries with Pitchforks on them. Like a logo.

Terugo flipped a switch next to the light switch. Kai didn't see it do anything at first, but he definitely heard something. 'What was that?'

Terugo grabbed his arm roughly, 'Come on then.' His smile wasn't gentle like before, it was more sadistic this time.

Fear boiled in Kai's chest as his father practically dragged him to an opening trapdoor. Terugo sneered at him as he let the child go. Extending his hand he wordlessly invited him to go down first.

Kai covered his right hand with his left and held his hands to his chest. He could feel the sinister energy coming from below, he didn't want to go down. But he didn't have a choice, did he?

He hitched a breath as he walked down, step after step, he could feel the atmosphere growing thicker. His father said nothing as he closed the trapdoor behind them and followed him down.

'Before we go to your room, there's something I want to do.' He smiled.

Kai trembled up to his skeleton, what was he going to do? 'I want to run a blood test, see if I have to alter anything.' The man grinned.

Alter? What did he mean alter? Did he want to alter his genetics?

Terugo beckoned for the young child to follow him. Kai obeyed and walked with him, keeping his hands close to his chest.

He was led to what looked like a doctor's office. A hot pink chair with metal straps sat in the middle of the room. There was a heart monitor next to it, beakers, scalpels, and other medical supplies were scattered about.

'Is... He a doctor?' Kai thought.

'Sit down Kai,' He giggled, 'This shouldn't take long.'

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