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Fun Fact: Kai can make himself cry on demand (Something his father wanted him to learn, also the only thing his father taught him)


'I do not have the mentality of a three-year-old!'

'We need an unbiased opinion.'

'Fine. Poltergeist!' Poltergeist came back into the room, he looked annoyed. 'Go grab Kai.'

'Hey, I said unbiased!' All for One yelled.

'Relax will ya? Go get him.'

Poltergeist nodded and shadowed away.

'Doesn't talk very much does he?'

'Only when he's mad.'

All for One raised an eyebrow, 'Should I be afraid of this coffee because he seemed angry when he brought it.'

'Very.' Terugo said with a snicker, 'It's poisoned probably.'

'Right...' All for One, despite the warning, cautiously took a sip. And immediately spit it out, 'Oh my god what is that?!'

'Salt.' Poltergeist chuckled, 'That's what you get for choosing something I didn't have.' He had Kai in his arms, the child looked terrified.

'Note to self never ask him for anything again...'

'Why did you want Kai, sir?' Poltergeist asked, looking at Chisaki as he gripped onto his jacket.

'Kai, look at me.' Terugo said. Kai flinched but did as he was told. Ten seconds later he couldn't think for himself, 'In your own opinion, do you think I have the mentality of a three year old?'


'Uh- Hey!'


Present Mic Voice: Hijimi Terugo, Quirk: Mindjack! He has the power to control whoever he locks eyes with for ten seconds. However, if you can hinder his ability to speak his quirk can't work very well. And if he uses it too long he gets a migraine. And enough shock factor can snap his victim out of it, as well as him only being able to use his power on one person at a time.

'Is that all sir?'

'Yes yes bring him back to his room.' Terugo waved, turning his quirk off. 'And stay with the little traitor.'

Poltergeist nodded and left.

'So, looks like I was right.'

'Shut up. I'll throw you in acid.'

'Is that the only threat you can think of?'

'Would you rather I gouge out your eyes, tear off your jaw, rip out your veins to hang on my wall, and then force you to eat your own heart because I assure you with enough willpower I can make that happen.'

'I'd rather the acid thank you.'

'Exactly.' Terugo smiled sweetly, 'Anyway so my day's been going okay. Got to kill a few people, my servants have been obedient for the most part. I'm talking with you!' He giggled.

All for One sighed, 'You're such a child.'

'Yeah yeah, whatever.'

'So, how old is the child exactly?'

'Seven, it's been a couple of years. I'm thinking of expanding the group how do you think I should do that any ideas? Anyone I should look for?'

'Wait a second you're only 15 years older than you're son?'

'Hm? Oh yeah! You didn't know that?' Terugo asked.

'How old was the mother?'

'When you killed her or when I raped her?'

'The second one.'

'Oh!' Terugo giggled again, '16!'

'She was 18 when I killed her?'

'Yep! Her girlfriend Eri was 19- Uh... Hey!' Terugo smiled as his eyes lit up, 'That's who I should add! Two people. I have two people in mind!'

'And they are?'

'Pro Hero: Scorpion, aaaaannddd,' He stood up, 'Chronos!'

'A hero and a model for a porn magazine? That's who you want?'

'Yep! Eri because she was Izumi's girlfriend, so she'd wanna protect Kai more than anyone else. And Chronos because his quirk lets him rewind any organic matter into a previous state!'

'Organic how exactly?'

'Oh y'know, trees, plants, animals, buuuuut, most importantly, Humans! He can rewind Kai!'

'Hm... That makes sense, I think that's the most logical thing I've ever heard you say.'

'I know!' Terugo laughed, 'This is gonna be so much fun!'

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