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Fun Fact: Terugo could've used Mindjack to control Izumi into having sex with him, but as in his own words, 'It's no fun if they don't scream.'


'Hmm~ I've given you enough time. That's why!' Terugo sneered, standing behind Kai. Kai had his hand on the ground, there were cracks where he was touching, and spikes were protruding from buildings, the ground, everywhere.

Yet he was strangely calm... Well, that was probably because Terugo was using Mindjack on him. 'Kai, green.'

Kai stood back up and stood a couple steps backward. Though he still stood on guard. Green meant he was to stand down but keep his guard up in case of another attack.

'You're doing this because I've been a hero for a few years? You're pathetic! Not only that but you're getting a child to do your dirty work?!' Iida Tensei yelled, 'I knew from what I've heard that your awful but that's just pitiful.'

Terugo glared, 'Poor word choice Ingenium.'

Tensei flinched.

Terugo strolled up to him, his signature smile spread wide on his face. 'But I don't think I'll kill you. Not yet at least. Hell, I may just leave you to someone else.' He giggled 'Stain maybe. You seem like the kind of hero he hates most.'


'The hero killer. You're in for a treat if you ever have the pleasure of meeting him. Fun guy.'

'You're sick.'

'Hm... I feel pretty healthy... Kai! Honest opinion do I look sick to you?'

Kai shook his head.

'Excellent. See, you're wrong. Do you even know how many medical books that child has read? Anatomy, Diseases, Organs, Medical Practices, all that kind of stuff. He knows what he's talking about.'

'Do you know how many medical books he's read? And that's not what I meant.'

'Y'know that's a good question, Kai! Show of hands how many medical books have you read?'

'That's not what Show of-'

'Shut your mouth. Kai! Answer the question!'

Kai held up six fingers.

'And how many chapters on average?'

Kai held up ten fingers, closed his hands into a fist, then held up ten fingers again.

'Ha! Six books and 20 chapters on average. Told ya he knew what he was talking about!'

'Shut it. He's a child.'

'He fourteen, he's a teenager.'

'Same differe- Wh-What are you doing?!'

Terugo ran his hand around the spike puncturing into Iida's side. Kai was careful to make sure none of the spikes would puncture anywhere fatal, or puncture deep enough that he'd die from bleeding out.

'Relax, I haven't used my quirk on you yet so this won't count.' Terugo sneered at him. He looked at the blood coating his fingers and palm before licking it off. He walked backward until he was right next to Kai again.

But soon after he grunted and spit the blood out, 'It's sour.' He complained, wiping the remaining blood on Kai's bare arm. Causing him to break out in hives. 'Disgusting.'

'It's no fun if he dies immediately. I wanna play some more.' Terugo smiled, 'Heal him.'

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