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Fun Fact: Chronos got himself hypnotized before he started working at Loli, so whenever he heard a specific sound his inhibitions would be gone. Eventually, he stopped needing the hypnosis once he got used to it

(Okay, similar thing to what I did in 'You can't save him', but instead of every two chapters, it'll be every four chapters we'll skip a year. Sorry but I'm impatient. Kai is still eleven but next chapter he'll be twelve)


Terugo huffed, 'You're annoying,' He said to the person in front of him, 'Y'know that?'

'And you're a psycho. What's your point?' Ghost asked in return.

Present Mic Voice: A Rank Villain: Ghost! Real Name: Akari Hizoma! Quirk: Air Walk! Air Walk grants the user the ability to stand on and control the air around them, granting them levitation!

Terugo sighed and grabbed his gun filled with his... 'Special' virus. 'I'll enjoy killing you.'

'Not yet Hijimi, we had an agreement remember.' A familiar voice said from behind him.

Ghost's eyes widened. 'A-All for One?' They stuttered.

'All for One!' Terugo exclaimed, his mood doing a complete 180° from angry to excited. 'Hi!~'

All for One groaned, 'Yes yes hello to you too Hijimi. Now, I found them for you, it's time you held up your end.'

Terugo laughed, 'Well I suppose we did have a deal! Alright! I won't get in your way~'

All for One used one of his stolen quirks to keep Ghost restrained. 'This shouldn't hurt, don't worry.'

He swiftly walked over, not wanting to deter Terugo from his... 'Fun' too long for fear he may become a part of it. He outstretched his hand and touched Ghost, covering their face and part of their head.

They screamed, not in pain, but fear. All for One wasn't lying, they felt no pain. At most a bit of discomfort.

Still, he'd never felt so scared in his life.

After a few seconds, Ghost felt dizzy and disoriented as All for One let go. As the white-haired man let go of him his legs gave out. This causes him to fall down to his knees as the world spun beneath him.

'Sometimes taking a quirk can leave the victim dazed and numb.' All for One explained.

'Aww, so he won't even feel the pain once I shoot him?'

'No, so may as well get his death over with. Knowing you it's not going to be any entertainment to you if he doesn't scream.'

Terugo huffed but agreed. 'Fine, but you owe me one!'

All for One simply rolled his eyes, in reply he said, 'Right, sure.'

Terugo sighed and walked over to Ghost. 'Y'know...'

All for One stopped and turned back. Humming in confusion.

'This one is sort of interesting,' Terugo smiled, lifting Ghost's head up, who in turn whined in the discomfort of being touched. 'I think I'll keep him instead. Now that he's quirkless it's not like he can do anything. I can just give him a new one.'

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