Testing phase

20 2 13

Fun Fact: Kai is the youngest member of Satana


'All for One!' Terugo smiled, 'I'm so glad you've called me back!'

'You threatened me.'

'No, I didn't.'

'You said you'd dump me in a vat of acid if I didn't.'

'I did?'


Terugo shrugged, oh well, he couldn't remember it so he didn't care. 'Whatever.'

All for One sighed, 'How's that son of yours doing?'

'I have a son? I have a son!'

'Are you kidding me Hijimi?'

'Shut. Anyway, he's... Traumatized.'

'You've had him for three weeks and you've already traumatized this poor child?'

'Scarred for life honestly, oh I have a question!'

'Yes, Hijimi how may I reluctantly help you?'

'Can you ask Garaki why Kai's arms randomly hurt? He's been complaining about it since we altered his genes so I think it may have something to do with the new quirk. But it also may be the blood drains so...'

'Makes sense, I'll ask but he may need to run another blood test. So it may be a few weeks to even a month depending on what's happening.'

'Kay kay! Thank you!'

'Please never say, 'Kay kay' to me again.'

'Whatever,' He waved his hand, annoyed. 'Anyway, byeeeeee!'

'Hijimi wait don't-' Terugo hung up.


'Ooh! Poltergeist! How are things going?'

'Well, Chisaki seems dazed and disoriented. But that's to be expected with the amount of blood he lost. He fell unconscious a little bit after being bandaged. Currently, he's in his room sleeping. He's still complaining about his arms hurting.'

'We're getting the arm thing figured out.'

Poltergeist nodded, 'I hope you don't mind, but I've asked Hades to take care of him instead of me. I've had many things to do, I can't look after him and my work at the same time. Forgive me, sir.'

'Oh that's fine I honestly don't care.' Terugo shrugged, what did it matter who took care of the brat? As long as he didn't run away, a street rat could take care of him for all he cared.

Poltergeist, once again, nodded. He did that a lot. 'Progress otherwise is falling behind. It's going slowly because of a lack of theory.'

'A lack of theory?'

'We don't have anything to work off of. This has never been done before so we have no research we can base this on. We have no reference point.'

'Oh... I never thought of that.' Maybe this was why Garaki said this plan wouldn't work. With nothing to reference, or fact-check their work it'd make things much harder. 'Bring me... Two vials of Sai's blood.'

'Kai's blood.'

'Oh yeah, Kai, Kai's blood. And... Bring me... Selkie?'


'Yes him.'

'Yes sir.' Poltergeist bowed and left the room.



'Delphi, sir.'

'Oh yeah, drink this.'

'What is it?'

'Kai's blood drink it and tell me how we make the bullets.'

'Sir what if we fail? My quirk-'

'Delphi.' He ordered again.

The man hesitated, but sighed and screwed off the cap. Drinking it.

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