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Fun Fact: Terugo's quirk gives him a headache


Terugo was slightly disappointed when Azu told him he couldn't use Kai's blood to see into Eri's future. 'Why not?'

Delphi sighed, 'Because he's not related to her. It's true that my quirk can show me another person's life if they share the same DNA, but Eri and Kai don't. They aren't blooded to each other so my quirk can't see into her life.'

Terugo pouted, 'That's no fun.' Delphi flinched, scared that Terugo was going to kill him. 'Whatever, just go.'

Delphi nodded and quickly left before Terugo could change his mind. A strange underreaction on Terugo's part. Last time he killed Hercules because he couldn't punch through steel. Hercules' quirk was called Steroid, he could increase his strength by eating sugar pills.

'Whatever, I'm alive and that's all I care about.'

'Poltergeist!' Terugo called, the man quickly shadowed into the room, 'Go get Kai, I think I may have something.' He sneered.


Terugo watched from a corner while Poltergeist worked. The process was extremely complicated. Which made him glad Delphi remembered his vision enough that he could write it down.

Poltergeist took a few syringes of Kai's blood and placed them carefully in the freezer. Those were for Garaki. He grabbed three more and took some Trigger, a performance enhancer, and mixed it in. He took a little bit of All for One's blood they had left over and coated the casing with that, then injected the serum into it.

'So how long do we have to let that sit again?'

'Delphi's notes said three days sir.'

'Aw. So we won't be able to test them right away?'

'No sir.'

Terugo pouted, maybe with testing they can shorten that.

'Do you still want me to find a way to change the color, sir?'

'The less suspicious they are the better.'

Poltergeist was going to say that if a bullet could destroy the human body from the inside out, and the heroes got their hands on one they'd wanna test it immediately. But he decided against that, his boss didn't need another reason to hurt the child.

'And what about the counter drug? Are you still planning on making an antidote?'

'No, I think I've decided against that.'

Poltergeist nodded and used the same process to make fifteen more bullets and put them all in the cabinet. Kai was breathing heavily, but he had done very well. He didn't make a single sound, he didn't scream and he didn't cry. Terugo smiled, 'Well you've done as I asked.'

Kai flinched and screwed his eyes shut. He felt Poltergeist start undoing the metal straps around his wrists.

'Poltergeist c'mon we're going out to eat.'


'Well, Kai did as I asked and I'm hungry so bandage him up and meet me in the car.'

'Right, yes sir.'

~ Three days later


'Will these even work on animals, sir?'

'If not there are plenty of expendables I wouldn't mind if they died.'

'And how long do these take to work?'

'One hour. If we did it right.' Terugo mumbled to his aide.

Poltergeist squinted and shot at the deer again. This time it didn't react quick enough and took the bullet to the neck. They wanted to make sure the drug worked before they added colorants or anything to the mixture.

'I guess we just have to wait an hour then.' Poltergeist said, floating up in the air. He crossed his legs like was sitting down and leaned back a little.

Terugo huffed, 'Why did I have to choose such a specific time?'

For one hour they did nothing but watch. The deer started acting strangely after about 45 minutes. It started running around in a circle, making a strange braying noise. Poltergeist hummed, looking at the gun, wondering if this was from the bullets.

After the last 15 minutes, blood started dripping from the buck's mouth as it collapsed. 'Ooh!' Terugo smiled.

'Looks like they work, but do they work on humans? Animals and humans are very different.'

Terugo groaned, 'I thought we wouldn't have to do any more testing.'

'Apologies sir, but I did suggest trying a human first.'

'Yeah yeah, I know.' Terugo grumbled. 'Let's just go home.'

Poltergeist nodded and grabbed Terugo's shoulder, shadowing them home.

Terugo leaned against the wall, he still wasn't used to being shadowed. 'Do you need help, sir?'

'No...' He breathed, 'No just go test those damn things on Hermes.'

'With all due respect sir, you specifically said Hermes was off limits because of his quirk.'

'Right right right. Uh... Persephone then.'

Poltergeist nodded, 'Yes sir.'


Present Mic Voice: Unranked Villain: Persophone! Real Name: Azumi Haru! Quirk: Botanokinesis, she can control any kind of plant! This includes growing them, creating them, and manipulating already existing plants.

'Hm? Oh hey, Poltergeist- AH!' She screamed out as she grabbed her arm, unaware she had just been shot despite hearing a gun she yelled, 'What the hell man?!'

She saw Poltergeist pointing his gun at her, that same deadpanned look on his face. 'And now, we wait... Again.' He sighed and leaned against the wall.

She fell short of breath as she started to panic. What had she just been shot with that they'd have to wait?

Thirty minutes go by and she's starting to feel dizzy. She looked to Poltergeist, who was just staring at her expressionless. He never seemed to have any kind of emotion.

Another thirty minutes pass and everything goes black.

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