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Fun Fact: Poltergeist (While being a self-insert) doesn't have ADHD as I do (Because I don't like having ADHD)

*What's necrophilia?
*Basically you fuck a dead body


Kai squirmed in his seat, scared and nervous.

'Hey, relax brat, it's a circus, not a prison.'

'Sir, you did pick him up from his bed and force him to come to an unfamiliar land, which doesn't speak the language to communicate in, and you never even told him why we came.'

The three were in Birmingham, Alabama. In America, 8,246 kilometers away from Japan.

'Father why are we here?' Kai asked.

Terugo rolled his eyes with a sigh, 'Fine, I guess I could tell you.' He pointed up to the Tightrope, where two acrobats were performing. They were wearing pink, glittery bathing suit-type things. Glittery pink gloves, and pink bows (The thing you put in your hair, not the weapon).

They had white skin, pink hair, pink eyes, and pink makeup.

'That's Alex and Dexter Love, they're twin brothers. Their quirks allow them to convert their lust into firable energy, once they do that the energy balls they create can shoot through anything.' Terugo smirked and lowered his hand, 'And I want them.'

'So were kidnapping them?'

'No. I'm going to offer them a place in the group.' Terugo said.

'And if they refuse?' Poltergeist asked.

'Well... Then yes we kidnap them.'

Poltergeist sighed, 'Yes sir.'


'The Yakuza?' Alex asked, wiping off some of his makeup. Today was their last show so they were getting dressed out of their costumes and into normal clothes.

'Yes, oh I should probably introduce myself. My name is Chisaki Terugo. I run a group in Japan, Satana. I would like you two join.'

'What's in it for us?' Dexter asked, changing into a bubblegum pink crop top, a white fur jacket, light blue jeans, and platform high heels in the same bubblegum shade.


Alex raised an eyebrow, 'We don't really care about money.'

'Oh, then what do you want?' Terugo asked.

'Hm...' Dexter tapped his chin a few times, 'Fun. We're only in the circus because being an acrobat allows us to get in our exercise, as well as provide us and other people entertainment. We're showmen.'

Terugo's eyes lit up, two people who didn't care about money, but also just want to have fun? 'What about killing? Is killing fun?'

Alex shrugged, 'Never tried, but we are kinda into necrophilia.'

*'Nekurofiria to wa?'

*'Kihontekini, anata wa shitai o fakku shimasu.'

Kai squeaked and covered his face.

Terugo snickered, 'Well entertainment is a small obsession of mine.'

'Small?' Poltergeist asked.

'Yes! Small!' Terugo exclaimed, 'Anyway, so, what do you say?'

Alex and Dexter looked at each other, 'Do we get villain names?'


'Can we have costumes?'

'Sure why not.'

'Deal!' The two said.

'Let us just put in our two weeks.' Dexter said.

Terugo huffed, impatient. 'Fine, just get a plane to Japan when you can. Here's my card,' He handed them the black business cards with his logo, number, and group name. 'Text me when you're about to arrive and I'll send Poltergeist after you. Okay?'

Dexter and Alex nodded.


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