"Sakaki Deidoro"

23 4 11

Fun Fact: Terugo isn't gay, he is in fact, Bisexual. He just hasn't found a girl who's spiked his interest


'I'm sorry who?'

'Kurono Hari, Kai's friend.'

'He has friends?'

'Three. Kurono Hari, Sakaki Deidoro, and Nemoto Shin.' Poltergeist explained.

'Tell me about this... Kurono character.'

'Well, he gets good grades and plays sports, he's captain of the color guard. He has three little sisters he takes care of. Decent cook from what I've seen, seems like he's the mom of the friend group. His mom is an influencer, and his Step Dad runs a business. But it looks like those two are on the verge of a divorce.'


'His mom is cheating on his dad and his dad is cheating on his mom, they fight a lot, and blame each other for their children being such 'disappointments'.' Poltergeist read over the file.

'And the other two?'

'Sakaki Deidoro, his average is a C+, his family runs a bakery. He gets his quirk from his Mom, and while he teases them a lot he does care about his friends.'

'And the last one?'

'Nemoto Shin, the main victim of Sakaki-Kun's teasing. He gets good grades in every class but gym. His quirk forces people to tell the truth, which made his parents hate him. Speaking of, his parents are on the verge of a divorce as well. They despise each other with every bone in their body. They fight a lot and his dad has to taze his mom to keep things from getting too physical.'

'Oh damn.'

'I know right?'

'You mention Shin's so what about Hari's and Deidoro's quirks?'

'Kurono: Chronostasis, he has arrows at the ends of his hair. The arrows can cut through pretty much anything. Chronostasis grants the user arrow-shaped hair that can extend itself in a straight line and cut others, slowing down targets if hit.'

'And the other one?'

'I was getting there!' Poltergeist sighed, 'Sakaki: Sloshed causes anyone who approaches the user to lose their sense of balance, falling into a state similar to inebriation. The user is able to choose who is sloshed and who isn't. Happy now?'

'Very!' Terugo giggled. 'Now, what did you say? Deidoro's family owned a bakery?'

Poltergesit sighed, he knew where this was going.

'How 'bout we go get tonight's dessert?'


'I-I'm sorry sir... What'd you say your name was?' Deidoro asked.

'Chisaki Terugo.' Terugo repeated, sneering.

'And you wanted what type of cake?' Sakaki asked, trying his best not to scream. Kai had told him stories, and that was all he needed to know he didn't wanna anger this guy.

Terugo was about to say something but Poltergeist spoke first, 'Red velvet.'

Terugo glared, he knew how much he hated Red Velvet and was just trying to piss him off.


'Just cream cheese is fine.' Terugo huffed. He knew Poltergeist would just make sure the cake was red velvet anyway so may as well agree.

'Got it, will do...' Sakaki said slowly, still trying to make sure he didn't piss Terugo off. 'Will that be all?'

'Yeah yeah, whatever.' Terugo pouted. 'Sure.'

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