On the way home

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Fun Fact: Terugo lacks boundaries and calls everyone by their first name despite it being impolite

(So Kai and Terugo are both asleep in this chapter, mainly because I wanted some Hari-Poltergeist interactions. Just thought I'd let you know, enjoy)


Terugo was 110% drunk by the time the party ended. Kai was half asleep. Hari manned up and tried Alcohol for the first time (He said the Beer tasted awful but didn't mind the cocktail). And Poltergeist was ready to get the fuck home this party was awful. He couldn't even drink because he had to be the one to drive home! It sucked!

'Alright, Kurono, let's get you home real quick.' Poltergeist said, knocking Terugo out just to make it easier, 'You can sit in the back with Kai.'


Poltergeist waved bye to Dazi and started dragging an unconscious Terugo by his shirt outside and into the car.

'Should you have dragged Father across the ground?' Kai asked sleepily as he and Kurono.

'Who cares? The dude's a bitch anyway.' Hari said, laying Kai down on his lap, 'You're tired, it's 1:00 AM, got to sleep.'

Kai was too tired (and too comfortable) to argue so he just closed his eyes and slept.

~ Two hours later

'So, you're happy with him?' Poltergeist asked abruptly.


'Kai and you, you're happy?'

'Oh, yeah,' Hari smiled and absentmindedly played with Kai's hair. 'We are.'

'Good, that's good.' Poltergeist said. 'And you're not scared of his quirk or anything?'

'Like I said before, no.'

'Good, good. Just making sure.'

There was no talking for a few minutes before Hari broke the silence again. 'So, you take care of him? But you're all the one who cuts him open? But he still seems to trust you...'

'Yes to all three, and just so you know, I don't want to hurt Kai. I... I didn't care too much about him at first but as time went on... I guess he kinda grew on me.'

'Hm, well... I guess it's better than if you hated him.' Hari said.

'Yeah, he's the only person who's ever seen me cry.' He chuckled, 'I don't want to look weak, but I know he doesn't think vulnerability is weakness. So I feel more comfortable around him and Chronos.'

'And Chronos huh?' Hari smirked mischievously.

Poltergeist's cheeks turned dark gray, 'Eh- Shut up! It's not like that!' He exclaimed.

'Uh-huh, sure.' Hari smirked.

Poltergeist sighed, 'Whatever.'

'Seriously though, do you like him?'

'Of course, I do. He's my only friend.'

'Yeah but like, romantically.'

'I- No comment.'

'Ha! I knew it!'

'Shut up!'

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