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Fun Fact: Kai didn't tell Eri about Chronos because he didn't want to have to explain to her what a Porn Star was

(Age update: 13)

*In this AU Kai only had to kill when he 100% had to, and Magne is still alive (Though he did take off Compress' arm)


'This place is boring...' Terugo muttered, 'I was promised this'd be entertaining.'

After a lot of emails, phone calls, and text messages, Flect Turn convince Terugo to come to Otheon and meet Humarise.

'All quirkless, all worthless in my opinion.' He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. 'Flect Turn, I'm getting bored.'

'Then maybe check on your child?'

Terugo raised an eyebrow and look over to Kai, 'What the hell is wrong with you?'

Kai was crying softly, scratching his arms and neck. 'It itches.' His voice was shaky and quiet.

'Itches?' Terugo took a close look at him and noticed hives and rashes. 'What the?'

'I'm itchy...' He said again.

Terugo rolled his eyes, 'Poltergeist.' He said.

The man appeared next to him, he'd still been in Japan until now. 'Yes sir?'

'Holy shit where did you come from?!' Flect yelled.

'Japan,' He answered apathetically. 'You called, Terugo?'

'Get him some ointment, he's breaking out. In fact, just take him home.'

'Yes sir.' Poltergeist picked Kai up and shadowed him back to the base to take care of him.

'Now, Humarise, what the fuck.'

'We will abolish quirks Terugo.'

'How long have we been talking?'

'Years, years upon years. Like ten years.'

'And when did I tell you about Kai's future?'

'Maybe... Five years ago?'

'And when did you come up with this idea?'

'Four years ago.'

'So... Did you just copy Kai's idea? Or is this all a coincidence?'

Flect Turn froze, 'Uhh...'

Terugo sighed, 'Go on.' He waved his hand in a, 'Whatever' motion.

'I didn't copy it per se, I have a more... Lethal execution.'

'Yeah, that was part of the deal. I wouldn't need to use my quirk to get him to do what he needed to do and *he didn't have to kill anyone.'

'And he only made five, right?'

'Well, that was just because the purification process took a month.' He sighed, 'Go on about your completely, 100%, totally original idea.'

'Okay... Passive aggressive. I've created trigger bombs, I'm sure you remember them.'

'Vaguely.' Terugo murmured.

'They're made with a gaseous form of the Ideo Trigger drug. Once it's breathed in it was cause a quirk to go wild, killing the owner.'

'Satana doesn't accept quirkless members, and we either force a quirk on them, or slaughter them. Their choice. Why would your... Cult thing... Even want an association with mine?'

'First, we are not a cult, second, because we need funding.'

'What on earth are you then?'

'A religion.'

'A religion?'


'Okay, so... Funding, how much funding?'

'A few... Huderend. Thousand.'

'A few hundred thousand doesn't sound that bad...'



'A few hundred thousand for each bomb.'

'And I'm leaving.'

'Terugo wait-'

'Flect Turn,' Terugo interrupted, the blue-skinned man suddenly finding a knife at his throat, 'Are you seriously trying to ask me a few hundred thousand yen for each of your trigger bombs? How many would you need, a hundred bombs? Two hundred? The funding alone would cut my fortune down far more than I please.'


'No, absolutely not. I refuse, no, nuh-uh, nope nope nope.' Terugo giggled. 'Satana, nor the Shie Hassaikai, will ever be involved with Humarise.'

'And if your son disobeys you and joins me willingly?'

'Oh please, your plan is to kill a bunch of people to get your way. I spend zero time one-on-one just talking to this child and even I know he won't go for that.' He laughed. 'Sorry, Flect. We're done here.'

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