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Fun Fact: Poltergeist can't eat store-bought cake, the icing is far too sweet


'Sir, Kai ran away.'

'Oh my god seriously?'

'Yes sir, should I go after him?'

'No Poltergeist, maybe if I go he'll finally listen.'

'Yes sir.'


Poltergeist shadowed him as close as he could in his not having slept the night before. (Most likely from playing Severed Agent all night) Terugo then started chasing after his son.

Poltergeist informed him that Kai had been drugged just a little bit before he ran. The drugs were probably what gave him the courage to try and run honestly.

He spoke to him, not verbally, but through telepathy. A power All for One gave him recently. 'Kai~' He saw him flinch, he heard him. 'Kai~' Louder, Kai closed his eyes tightly a ran faster. 'Kai~' He said again, even louder.

He ran as fast as he possibly could. Even if Kai ran fast enough he lost him, the small dots of blood were enough for Terugo to follow. Still, Terugo walked a bit faster. Kai was actually running pretty fast.

Terugo froze, 'Well this is going to get interesting.'

Kai rammed head-on into a couple of heroes.

'Woah I'm sorry. That was quite the fall there are you okay?'

Terugo hissed, if this child said a word it could spell disaster.

Kai didn't speak, just held his hands like he always did. Right over left, close to his chest. He seemed terrified.

He spoke to him once more, 'Say one word and she's dead.' He hissed.

Kai flinched. Terugo sighed and decided to finally step out of the shadows. 'You should be more careful.'

Kai looked behind him, terrified.

'Don't want to cause trouble for the heroes.'

The heroes looked equally as shocked. 'I hope you'll forgive my daughter heroes.' Terugo smiled kindly.

'Daughter?' Broccoli questioned. 'But this looks like a boy?'

Terugo made some excuse about playing pretend or something. All he needed was to get the heroes off his back. Damnit all, he just had to run into some heroes.

'Yep! Well, we forgive her, we're heroes we should've been keeping an eye out. Welp, we're done patrolling this sector. Better report back.' Blueberry head gestured for Broccoli to follow.

'What agency do you work with?' Terugo asked, trying to pry for info.

'Oh! Well since we're still really new to the hero game it'd be a bit hasty to identify with an agency now. We're actually reporting to the commission. But we really gotta go now, don't wanna be late for lunch.'

Terugo internally groaned, this was getting cringy.

'Aw, well that's sad. I really enjoy speaking with you.' Terugo activated his quirk, when activated he can influence people with inferior confidence to his.

But Broccoli Boy pushed her out of the way. And just before he had her too. Once more, he internally groaned.

'Can you tell us your name, sir? With how scared this child is it'd put us more at ease.'

Terugo flinched, well crap. He sighed, 'Very well, my name is Chisaki, Chisaki Terugo. And this is my so- Sorry, my daughter Kai.' He chuckled at his little... Mistake. 'Now if you really have to, Kai and I have to go as well.'

He activated his quirk again. He saw the dazed look in Blueberry head's eyes again. But she seemed to snap out of it on her own. 'You're right, we better go, c'mon Phantom.' She smiled, 'Let's get back in time for lunch okay?'

Terugo heard Kai whisper as he clung to Greenie's jacket, 'Please... Please don't go.'

Broccoli flinched, 'Uh... So these bandages, are they just from playing rough?'

'Unfortunately yes, Kai is an exceptionally clumsy girl!' Terug laughed.

'I'm sorry...' The man said, 'I didn't quite catch that.'

'Ugh, why can't I activate my quirk on this guy?' Terugo sighed, 'Should I repeat myself?'

'No.' Girly-girl said quickly.

'Go if you want Cipher. But I'm staying right here.'

'Huh?!' She yelled, 'Wh-What do you mean you're staying here. I could get in big trouble if I report without you!'

'I'm sure they'll understand.' The male hero held Kai tighter to his chest. 'I'm sorry if they don't but I'm not leaving. Not until you tell me. Sir,' He squinted his eyes, 'Tell me what you're doing to this child.'

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