Backalley Brawlers

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Fun Fact: Kai is like 90% of Hari's impulse control

(Picture Above: Morpheus)


'Hey, hey Morpheus. Hey!'

'What?! What what?'

'I'm bored.'

'What you wanna go to sleep?'

Present Mic Voice: Nanatei Taijuu! Villain Name: Morpheus! Rank: A! Quirk: Dream! He has the power to emit a gas from his body that sends somebody into their happiest dream.

'No! Taijuu give me something to do!'

'You're the boss why are you asking a subordinate for orders?'

'Because you're here now gimmie something to do!'

'Well... I was about to go to a fight club, wanna join?'

'Ooh, I get to watch you fight without your quirk?! Count me in!'


'Who's that?' Terugo pointed.

'That's Rappa Kendo. Also known as Champion.'

'He's over fifteen right now? I thought he and Kai were the same age?'

'Kai is fourteen.'


'And yes, currently Rappa is 20 years old. And I wanna beat the son of a bitch so fucking bad.'

'Just gas him.'

'If I did that I'd look weak. Technically it counts as a win since he'd been/incapacitated, but I wouldn't have actually fought. I refuse to look weak in front of these assholes.'

'You cuss a lot.'


'And next into the ring, Morpheus! We haven't seen him in a while! Glad to see ya back.'

'Glad to be back now who's the bitch I'm gonna beat the fuck out of?' He cracked his knuckles.

'You'll be up against...' Hori looked at the card again and smirked. 'You know 'em! You love to hate 'em! The King of Hearts!'

The name got Terugo's attention.

'Taijuu, who's that?'

'The bitch who took my second place spot while I was gone.' Morpheus growled.

'Don't kill him.'

'What?!' He shrieked, 'Why the hell not?!'

'What's his quirk?'

'Somethin' to do with cards or some shit.'

'His power lets him summon cards he can control at will, they can cut through anything.' A bystander explained.

'Ooh! Yeah no, don't kill him.'

Morpheus hesitated, 'This isn't another one of your deals is it?'

Terugo laughed, 'Of course it is!'

He sighed, 'Alright. What do you want me to say?'

Terugo whispered something in his ear.

Morpheus sighed and nodded.

When he entered the ring The King of Hearts immediately asked what took him so long.

'My boss,' He took a deep breath and sighed, 'Has a deal for you. If I win you work for him if you win well I die and he never bothers you again whaddya say?'

King flinched. 'Strange.'

'Yeah no shit will ya do it or not cause you really don't have a choice.'

'And if I don't?'

'Well, you'll die. So...'


'Yeah, are we doing this?'

'I... I guess?'

'Right excellent.'

The crowd - Especially Rappa - was stunned. First. Morpheus had a boss? Second. He was making a deal with the ass who stole his spot? Third. Honestly just in general what the fuck was happening?

The fight was over quickly. Morpheus just took a couple of jabs to knock him out. With his vastly superior strength and skill, it was easy.

'I'll have to give him a new quirk... And a new name. How about... Circe?'

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