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Tuesday, May 31
2:00 P.M

I make my way inside the coffee shop. I have a meeting at two, my friend recommended me for a job. This man needs a babysitter and I was looking for a job and here I am waiting for him to come.

I'm going to be in my second year as a pediatric emergency physician. I will start in august, so I needed to find a simple job for the moment.

I sat down and played with the menu. What if he doesn't come? I mean, of course, he will need a babysitter.

"Would you like something?" The waiter asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes. Two glasses of water please" I say with a smile. She nods and walks away. A few seconds later she comes with the two drinks of water. She places them down and walks away.

I waited for a few more minutes wondering if he'd come. I take a sip of my water and look around. There aren't a lot of people, most of them are taking their orders to go.

"Sorry for the wait. There was an important meeting" Someone says from behind me, I turn around to see a man with spiky white hair, some of his features are covered with a white mask and he's wearing a black suit.

I could slowly start to feel my cheeks getting warmer. Is this the man I'll be working with? Okay, keep it professional.

"No need to apologize, it's fine" I stood up and extended my hand. "I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you" I said with a smile.

"Hello l/n. I'm Kakashi Hatake, please take a seat" He says gesturing his hand for me to sit. I nodded and sat.

He has a deep voice yet it's soft and smooth.

I knew his name. Iruka and he are close friends. I don't know much about him, Just that he has two adopted kids.

"So we should get started" He looks at me and I nod. " I have to see your personal information first. I don't want the wrong hands taking care of my boys."

"Oh. of course!" I hesitated for a second before I picked up my bag and took out my papers. I handed them to him. He took them and started looking through them.

He's so overprotective but that's a good thing. I couldn't control my nerves as he takes his time reading the papers.

After a few moments later he nods and places the papers down.

"A pediatric ER, huh?" He asks, looking up at me and crossing his hands on the table.

"Y-yeah a pediatric" I nodded with heated cheeks. Why does he make me so nervous?

"Are you studying? If you don't mind me asking" He asks while taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah, I'm studying. We're on a break right now. It's going to be my second year so I needed to find a job for the moment." I explained.

I watch as Adam's apple moves up and down as he drinks the water. My face quickly heats up even more. I move my eyes away from him and look around the coffee shop.

He places the cup down and clears his throat.

"Congratulations. You'll be their nurse if something happens to my little boys. So congratulations on being their new babysitter" He says with a smile.

"Really? And thank you!" I ask in surprise, he smiles and nods. "Thank you. I'll take good care of them" I responded with a smile.

My eyes move to the donuts on the counter. "Do you allow your little boys to eat sweets?" I ask and look back at him.

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