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Thursday, June 2
6:30 A.M

"Sorry for the wait, come on in," Kakashi says with a smile as he opens the door.

"I wasn't waiting for long" I lied as I made my way in. I was waiting for about five to seven minutes.

I took off my shoes and put on my black sandals. I turn around to look at Kakashi, he's wearing a dark grey suit. Making his features stand out.

I blush and look away.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" He asks as we walk into the kitchen.

"Not yet" I responded as I sat on the stool. He shakes his head in disapproval and walks over to the cupboard, picking up a grey mug.

He gives me coffee as if that's going to do something. But I like that he cares and tries.

"Is that what you drink for breakfast every morning?" I ask out of the blue. I watch as he sets the mug in the coffee maker.

He turns around and leans on the counter.

"Every morning. Yes." He responds with honesty.

"Can I ask you something? But please don't take it the wrong way. I only want to help." I drop my gaze to my fingers on my lap.

He chuckles and says. "Don't worry I'm listening. go head"

I took a deep breath. "How about I come early in the morning to prepare some breakfast, maybe lunch too if you want" I added. " Coffee won't feel your stomach. So may I please make you breakfast?"

He didn't say anything, the silence getting too loud for my liking. I look away from my hands and look at Kakashi to see him smiling. Smiling?

"That sounds nice. I would love that, and please luch too" He says.

I was taken off by his response.

"Really?!" I ask in excitement.

"Of course. Yesterday you proved to me that you can cook, I'm craving more of your food" He responds looking at me.

We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds before the beep from the coffee maker makes us break eye contact. He leans off the counter and turns around and takes out my coffee.

He walks over and places the coffee in front of me. My shoulder brushed his hard chest, sending warm feelings all over my body.

I turn sideways and look at him. He's so close. His face. His body. Everything is close making everything in me heat up.

We stared into each other's eyes before I broke the silence.

"I-" I clear my throat. " I- um. Would you like for me to make something real quick" I say, breaking eye contact, I turn around and walk around the counter.

He clears his throat. "No, it's fine. I should get going." He says taking one last sip of his coffee. He walks over to the sink and quickly washes it.

"Are you sure?" I ask concerned.

"I'm sure, have a nice day, and take good care of my boys," He says about to walk out of the kitchen.

"I will don't worry. And have a nice day at work make sure you eat more than a sandwich" I say as I follow him out the door.

"I will, have a nice day," He says opening the door.

"You too. Have a nice day" I smile. He nods with a smile and closes the door.

I sigh and walk towards the kitchen.

4:00 P.M

"Naruto get back here so I can take the dirt off your face!" I say as I follow him out of the restroom.

𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now