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As we ate our breakfast I couldn't stop staring at Sasuke and naruto. All I could think was how does this kid know this kind of stuff?

I brushed it off and continued eating my breakfast. Kakashi leaned sideways and I didn't think much of it till I felt the chair being pulled towards him. I let out a gasp and grabbed onto the table.

I look at him annoyed.

"Oops," Kakashi smirks while placing a hand on my thigh.

I roll my eyes and calm my racing heartbeat and continue eating. During the meal Kakashi continued to move his hand in a provocative movement, well maybe it was not his intention but I was turned on.

I cleared my throat and bent sideways getting close to his ear. "I don't know if it was your intention to get me turned on but please stop because you won't be able to do anything," I whisper, then straight back up and continue eating.

I felt him shift and I felt his breath on my neck, making me shiver. "It was my intention. And who said I couldn't do anything?" He whispers, making his breath hit my ear.

I gulped down, and I could feel my clit starting to pulse. I turn sideways and stare at his beautiful glowing face. "I said."

He smirks and turns around with a "really look". He bends down again. "Honey, that little blood will not stop me from doing anything to you." He whispers deeply.

I sank in a breath and bit down my lower lip stopping a moan. I could feel his gaze examining my face but I didn't look away till he was fully up. I let out a breath.

I could feel my nipples hard, my clit pulsing from desire.

"I'm done!" Naruto yells while hopping off the table. "Thank you y/n for the breakfast." He says happily while picking up his plate.

I clear my throat and smile. "You welcome Naruto," I say and watch as he places the plate on the sink.

"I'm done as well, thank you," Sasuke says and stands up grabbing his plate.

"You are welcome." I smile and watch as he takes the plate to the sink.

Naruto and Sasuke high-fived each other before running out of the kitchen.

I stare at them with a smile and watch as they enter the playroom. I stare at the open door and think about preschool since I'll be leaving and Kakashi doesn't want them to have another babysitter, he can sign them up at preschool.

I look away from the door and turn around to look at Kakashi to see him looking at me with a big smile.

I furrow my eyebrows confused. "Is there something wrong with my face?" I ask worriedly.

"Nothing at all." He sighs and looks away.

"You know I've been thinking about preschool for the kids." He looks up at me with a confused look. "Let me explain. So I'll be leaving right and it's all up to you if you want to enroll the kids into preschool. You'll be at work and the kids in school."

He looks at me for a few seconds before nodding. "You are right, I don't think I'll be able to get another babysitter because no one will ever compare to how great you are at taking care of my kids." He chuckles.

I blush and look down with a smile on my cheeks.

"But you gave me a good idea." He continues. "I wasn't thinking of preschool at the moment but now that you said it it's a great Idea. I could be at work while the kids are at school and once I'm out I can go and pick them up!" He sighs and stares at me with appropriation. "I don't know what I'll do without you." He stands up and gets closer to me grabbing my chin and pulling me in for a great passionate kiss.

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