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Friday, June 24
9:25 PM

I finished taking a bath, and my night routine. I grab my phone and scroll through my unread messages. When I saw one from Konan, I smiled and clicked on her name.

Hey, y/n how have you been?

I am sorry for the late response, but I've been doing well. How about you?

When I sent the text there was a knock on my door. I furrow my eyebrows and place my phone on my bed then push myself up.

I open the door, leaving a small gap for me to see. When I saw who was standing outside, I opened the door all the way.

"What on earth are you guys doing awake?" I ask, my voice surprised.

"We couldn't sleep," Sasuke responded by looking down at his feet.

"Can we stay with you?" Naruto asks, looking up at me with sweet eyes.

I smile. "Of course, you can... come in." I motion my hand for them to enter.

Sasuke looks up at me with a big smile. They walk past me and flop on the bed.

I close the door and walk back to my bed to see them tuck in on the right side. My heart expands and I flop down on the bed and turn my body sideways. I look at them, they are so precious and so unique.

"So... why couldn't you guys sleep?" I ask.

"I don't know." Naruto shrugs while playing with his fox, Kurama.

Kakashi bought him that fox when he was six months old. The fox is orange and instead of one tail, it has nine.

"I felt... weird," Sasuke says while placing his Purple susano on his side.

Kakashi bought him that susano when he was six months old. It's purple with two swords.

When he said that the first thing that comes to mind is Danzo.

"Sa... Sasuke what do you mean by weird?" I ask my voice tight from nervousness.

"Oh not weird... hmm... I feel... happy because dad will be back today at night." He says while looking at me with his dark sweet eyes.

Naruto nods. "Me too."

I place a hand on my beating chest and close my eyes letting out a breath, my heart felt like it was about to explode.

My heart squeezed at the thought of him coming home tonight. It feels like it's been weeks without him. I open my eyes and stare at the boys with a smile.

"Let's watch a movie!" Naruto says while throwing Kurama up in the air.

"Yes, Please," Sasuke says in excitement.

"Kakashi is going to ground me but... okay." I chuckled.

"Yes!" They started kicking their feet in happiness.

I open the nightstand and grab the control. I turn the tv on and look for Disney plus, I click the app and turn to look at the kids. "What movie, my babies?" I ask.


"Ratatouille," Sasuke says while playing with his Susanoo.

"Eh, sure... okay." Naruto nods and places Kurama on his head.

I chuckled and searched for ratatouille, when I found the movie I clicked on it.

I lift myself and rest my head on the headboard and watch as the movie starts.

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