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9:30 a.m

I stroke y/n thigh gently as we eat our breakfast. Her skin felt hot against mine, my cock hard just by touching her.

I can't even imagine how her body will feel against mine. Skin to skin. That sent a pleasing shock straight to my cock.

"We should do something fun," Guy comments, making me turn to him who places a piece of pancake in his mouth.

Hana turns to us with a sweet smile. "We should. Today is our last day here before we go back to our house." She looks at us and gives us puppy eyes.

I turn to y/n to see her looking at me with an excited look. Making my heart warm.

I thought about work but I pushed it away and thought about y/n and how it's our last week together before she goes back into med school, and my boys for spending more time with lee.

I squeeze her thigh and watch as she closes her eyes and squeezes her thighs together, making me smile. "Why not." I turn to them. "Let me just make some calls." I give them a quick nod and quickly remove my hand from her thigh, my hand feeling cold.

I stood up and made my way toward my office, my erection making it a little hard for me to walk but I managed. I close the doors behind me and grab my phone, I look for Kurenai's contact. After three rings she picks up.

"Good morning, sir." She says softly.

"Morning, I'll be busy this whole week so cancel all my meetings for this week," I say, getting straight to the point.

"Sir you know you have a meeting with Rasa today and -"

I cut her off. "I'm very well aware. Like I said, cancel all my meetings for this week, thank you, and have a nice day." I said and hung upright away.

I let out a breath, leaving work behind and focusing on my boys and my girl. I place my phone back into my pocket.

My hard cock pressed hard against my pants, making me uncomfortable. I let out a groan and slid my hands down my face. I look around my office to see what I can do to forget about how soft her skin is, how her rosy lips look, how her thighs-

I started pacing back and forth trying to calm my desire, I walked towards my desk and fixed a pencil that was slightly sideways, I picked some papers and placed them down gently on the desk.

I look up and walk towards the fireplace and fix the pillows on the couch, placing them neatly. I try to organize as many things as I can to try to take my mind off her.


Right after Kakashi left, we decided to clean our dirty dishes and placed them in the sink. I picked up Kakashi's plates and walked right back to the sink, I placed them down and pushed my sleeves up.

"Oh y/n it's my turn to wash the plates." I look up to see Hana making her way.

I smile and shake my head. "It's okay, I'll wash them."

"You washed them yesterday so it's not fair, I'll wash them." She walks around the counter and pushes me carefully out of the way, making me chuckle. "Now, go see if the kids are being nice to each other." She turns the hot water on and starts cleaning the plates.

"Yes ma'am." I smile, bowing my head. I turn around, clap my hands together and walk to the kid's playroom.

I passed the living room and I was right outside the kid's room, I was about to open the door and the door to my right opened. I looked and saw Kakashi coming out, who made eye contact with me right away.

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