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"Is everything set?" Rose asks as she places the picnic basket in the car.

I place the blankets in as well. "Yes, everything is set, Rose, are you sure you don't want to come?" I ask her again, voice full of concern.

"Sweetie I'm more than sure!" She places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a little shake.

"Y/n!" Sasuke screams, making me turn around to see him running towards me and a mad naruto after him.

I extend my arms and catch him picking him up.
"Wow, what happened?" I ask as an angry naruto looks up at me, arms crossed and face scrunched.

"He ate my cookie!" He points at Sasuke.

"He ate my cookie." Sasuke mocks naruto.

"Sasuke, let's not mock people, and Naruto I can give you another one, let's not fight over a cookie okay?" I  smile, trying to make them understand.

"Whatever." Naruto rolls his eyes but slowly looks back up at me. "My cookie." He smiles while extending his hand.

How can I say no to this cute face?

"Oh, naruto." I chuckled while placing Sasuke down. I turn around and open the picnic basket and grab two cookies. I turn around just in time to see Naruto punching Sasuke in the arm.

I open my mouth to say something but just in time, Kakashi walks out the door with the dog's leashes.

"Naruto!" Kakashi calls his name, he walks up to us with an angry face.

My eyes winded and I slowly turned around and placed the cookies back in the basket, not wanting to be involved.

I look at Kakashi who places the leashes in the back of the truck and comes to stand in front of the boys.

"Now you both are in big trouble." He looks down at them with a serious look. He looks at me and gives me a wink.

Making me blush, I smile and turn away, hiding my blushed face. Kakashi is wearing black Office pants and a white shirt.

While Kakashi is giving the kids a lesson I decided to go get the dogs out. Their cages are big enough to fit three people, spoiled kids.

Once they saw me coming, their tails wagged and they started jumping around.

"Hello, my babies." I opened the door and step in, they started smelling me and bumping into me. "I know I miss you guys too." I give them all some kisses and hugs. "Now in the car." When I said that they all took off except the small one, pakkun who takes his time.

I bend down and pick him up, letting out a sigh. "Come on lazy." I chuckled and gave him some belly rubs.

1:20 a.m

Everything is set for the picnic, we pick a place away from noises wanting just to be us. We picked the perfect place, right under a tree and on a small hill for the boys and dogs to play.

It's so nice outside, it's sunny and the fresh air makes it feel nicer.

I look up from my book to see Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke all playing with the six dogs, and pakkun laying down on my thighs and bull watching over us.

I stroke his head as I continue to watch them play, Kakashi grabs the tennis ball and throws it hard, and Urushi and Shiba run to get it.

While Naruto plays with Akino and Guruko all three fighting over a rope, Sasuke Bisuke and Uhei all three just walk around.

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