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As we finished eating breakfast and putting our dirty dishes away, Obito decided to wash them because he didn't help in making breakfast.

The kids are watching TV as they sit on the floor with their heads looking up. I chuckled at their cuteness but watching TV like that is not appropriate.

I walked over and patted both of their fluffy hair and they turned around with a smile. "Why don't you guys lay down on the couch?" I asked confused.

"We like sitting down," Naruto answers with a bright smile.

I raise my eyebrows and look at Sasuke. "It's nice." He answered flatly.

"Interesting." I nodded my head while walking backward to the kitchen. Kakashi looks at me and smiles, I smile back.

"Hey Y/N!" Obito says happily.

"Hello obito," I chuckled. "how is work going?" I ask as I take a sip of Kakashi water.

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I look at him and smirk while setting the cup down.

"Work is going great actually, I was just telling Kakashi how I'll be going on a business trip this Sunday."

"Oh really!?" I ask, my eyebrow raised.

If Kakashi is leaving tomorrow and Obito is leaving Sunday, who will take care of us? Worry runs through my body but Kakashi pushes the worry away with one squeeze.

I let out a soft sigh and rested my head against his shoulder.

"Yes, but I have to tell you both something," I looked at Obito whose expression was unreadable.

"What?" Kakashi asks right away.

"Tell us, what happened?" I ask after Kakashi.

He takes a deep breath and looks at both of us before looking at the kids. "My assistant was doing some research on Naruto's family and she found that Naruto has a long-lost cousin. Named nagato." He explained while looking at me for the last part.

I stop breathing. My eyes were wide. Nagato? The nagato I knew my whole life??

"Are you sure?" Kakashi asks while pulling me closer.

"Yes, I am 100 percent. Their family separated a long time ago before the war happened and they lost connection." He breathes out. "Crazy right?" He chuckles.

Tears started running down my eyes because finally, Nagato wouldn't be alone, he had a family member. "Yeah." I chuckled.

"It's okay my love," Kakashi whispers before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.


I decided to spend my last day with the people I care for the most. I'll be leaving on a business trip tonight at midnight and I wanna spend the last few hours with them.

"Oh, Dad look!" Naruto yells with excitement as he sees the ramen place. "Ramen!" He yells as he runs towards the door.

We chuckled and hurried after him.

"Naruto! Wait for me." Sasuke runs after Naruto.

Naruto waves his hand at Sasuke as he waits by the door with a bright smile.

"I've been craving ramen." Y/n chuckles as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"I've been craving you," I whisper and she lets out a sigh, telling me that it affected her. I could feel myself getting excited when I pushed it away.

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