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Sunday, June 18


I check myself in the mirror. I decided to dress casually, with black office pants and a white long-sleeve shirt. I reached to grab a mask but decided not to.

I haven't been wearing a mask for the last couple of weeks, I don't feel like wearing one anymore. I want someone to see my features.

I head towards my kid's room, I open the door to see them laying down and coloring.

"Good morning kids." They turned around and smiled at me then continued coloring. I walk towards them and kiss each one on their heads.

"Where's y/n?." Sasuke closes his book and looks up at me.

"Yeah! Where?." Naruto jumps off the bed and flops down next to Sasuke.

"No good morning dad? No morning hug?." I walk over to Sasuke's bed and kneel, wrapping my big arms around their small bodies and hugging them tightly.

They snuggle their face in my neck and let out a sigh. "Good morning dad." They both whisper, making me chuckle.

I let go of them and stare at their sleepy faces. "I should start getting you guys ready before we go" I ruffled their hair and stood up.

"Where are we going?" Naruto asks. I didn't answer him. I walked over to their closet and opened the door. I head to Sasuke's side first and pick out a casual outfit, then I head to naruto's side and do the same.

I close the door and walk back to the bed. "We are going to the mall with y/n. We decided to go out and have fun." I place the clothes down and stare at their happy faces.

Naruto starts jumping on the bed while Sasuke looks annoyed.

After about twenty minutes we finished our morning routine. We then headed to the garage.

"Come on guys." I turn around to see them following me. I open the dodge door for them and they enter right away. I closed the door and made my way around.

Once we were seated and ready to go, Naruto asked. "Dad?." I look through the rearview mirror. "Why is y/n coming with us?."

"Do you like her?." Sasuke asked right away. I look at Sasuke for a few seconds before looking down at the wheel.

Do I? Every time she's around something inside me stirs. It's like a warm feeling I have never felt before. It's probably because I've never been close to a woman in a long time.

That one time it was an accident. Someone pushed me and I fell on top of this woman, but that's the only time I've been close to a woman until y/n.

But that feeling can't compare to the feeling I feel when y/n is around or when we are too close or when I look at her or when she talks.

I ignored the feeling and looked back up. "Nonsense. Now let's go, we don't wanna be late to pick up y/n." With that, I press the gas and start to drive.

About fifteen minutes I parked outside her apartment. I took out my phone and sent a quick text, and her replying right away.

I place my phone in my front pocket and look back at the kids. "Wait here I'll go wait for y/n." They nod, I open the door and make my way around the car and wait for her.

A few seconds later she comes out with a white short dress, her small backpack is brown and her shoes are white, matching her dress.

That warm feeling is stirring inside of me.

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