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I was playing with my boys in the living room waiting for Kakashi to get home.

"Hey you" naruto point's at me. "what happened to your elbow it looks gross" He makes a disgusting look.

I chuckled. "Well," I got closer to him. "This monster was trying to eat me" I pulled him by his feet, and he let out a yell. "I fought back and hit him with my elbow then" I brought my hands up. " I tickled him till he couldn't breathe and that's what I'm going to do to you!" I started tickling his stomach.

He burst out laughing and brought his hands to mine trying to push them off.

"Sasuke come help me!" He jumps off the couch and comes running to my side helping me tickle naruto.

"Can I join?" I jump and turn around, I stare at Kakashi with wide eyes. "Why are you looking like you did something wrong?" He chuckles and walks closer to us.

I blink and then smile. "Sure we-"

"It's your turn!" Naruto screams. The next thing I know is that I'm being pulled by my neck onto the ground.

"Daddy come to help me tickle y/n" Like the obedient dad he is, he kneels and starts tickling me with his big veiny hands.

I burst out laughing. I tried pushing away all of their hands but I couldn't because I pushed one off and the other two would continue to tickle me.

Kakashi is now hovering over me, tickling my neck, and stomach. Naruto stands up and jumps on Kakashi making him lose his balance.

Everything happened in slow motion. His upper body is touching mine, his forehead is touching mine, our noses touching, his lips so close to mine.

My heart is beating so fast I'm scared he could probably hear. My body. My whole body is on fire.

A few seconds pass and we stare into each other's eyes without saying a word.

"I was right. I do lose myself in those beautiful eyes of yours" He whispers. My lips curl into a big smile.

He lifts his head and kisses the middle of my forehead, I close my eyes and melt into the soft kiss.

"Eww get off of y/n" Naruto pushes Kakashi off me. We chuckled and he got off me leaving me feeling cold. He must've felt it because he looked like he wanted to be close again.

I sat up and Naruto sat on my thighs. "I'm the only one who can touch y/n and hug her!" He snuggles his head on my shoulder,  making me giggle.

"Get off her" Sasuke comes and pushes Naruto's head away from my shoulder, getting a mad sound from naruto.

"Alright before it gets out of control. Naruto gets off y/n and Sasuke be more careful next time." He pats Sasuke on the head. Naruto gets off me, I stand up and feel soreness in my stomach.

"Oh my" I hold my stomach and let out a painful sound.

"Are you alright?" Kakashi asks while placing a hand on my lower back.

I chuckled and nodded. " It's for laughing too hard." I let out a small laugh.

"Are you sure?" He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure" I chuckled. "We should probably start preparing the food" I took a deep breath and rubbed my belly, trying to calm the soreness.

"We should" He places a hand on my lower back guiding me to the kitchen. I feel like he is touching my skin to skin.

Once we were in the kitchen I saw brown groceries bags and a small white bag.

He lets go of my back leaving a handprint of coldness.

𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now