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Tuesday, June 21
6:05 A.M

I hold my three-day suitcase and move it up the steps. I set it down and searched for the key, once I found it I opened the door. I made my way in and set my suitcase behind the door.

I place the keys inside my bag and lay them down on the table. I look around just to see Ms. Rose coming down the stairs holding cleaning supplies.

"Good Morning rose. Do you need a hand with that?" I asked and I made my way toward the stairs.

"Good Morning sweetie And psh, Nah I'm fine." She declines and starts humming a song as she makes her way to the left hallway.

I chuckled and watched as she disappeared down the hall. She's in her mid-forties, she has short black hair, and she's short. Such a lovely woman.

I always wonder what that hall has. I only know the kid's room, playroom, Kakashi office, and bathroom. And I'm okay with it because this house is so big.

I made my way toward the kitchen and decided what to make for breakfast. I look all over the pantry and the fridge. I decided to make rice, dashi miso soup, and boiled vegetables.

I take out the ingredients and start cooking.

I check the time to see I have two minutes before seven so I started to clean the kitchen island, and the place I used to cook. Once finished I clean my hands and make my way upstairs.

I and the boys finished our morning routine so we made our way to the stairs.

"Y/n," Naruto calls my name.

"Yes," I responded.

He holds my hand tighter as we walk downstairs. "Did you make cereal again.?" He asked.

"She doesn't make cereal." Sasuke scoffs.

" It's okay Sasuke, I cooked rice and made miso soup," I tell them what I made.

"Oh my god miso soup!" He cheers. His cheeks turned bright pink.

We chuckled and made our way downstairs. We made our way into the kitchen to see Kakashi feeling the bowls with soup.

I look around the table to see the rice nicely in a bowl, and the boiled vegetables as well.

"Dad!" The boys cheered and they ran toward Kakashi.

He looks up with a smile. "Good morning my boys, how did you guys sleep.?" He places the pot down and kneels.

They give Kakashi his morning hug and kiss.

"Good," Naruto responds and breaks from the hug. He steps aside and pulls a chair.

"Well," Sasuke responds and pulls away from Kakashi. He pulls a chair next to naruto.

"Good to hear." He stands up and looks up at me. "how about you?" He asks with a soft tone.

I admired him for a few seconds before responding. "I slept alright, missed someone's warmth." I smile shyly and look at him to see him smiling. I walk towards the island and grab a few napkins. "How about you?" I made my way to the table and set the napkin down.

"I slept empty. I missed something... rather someone." His smile turns into a smirk.

My eyes are wide and my cheeks turn pink. I look at the kids who are looking at us with impatient looks.

"We... we should eat." I took the seat in front of Naruto and Kakashi took the seat in front of Sasuke, right next to me. "Thank you for setting the table." I thank him.

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