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2 days later
Wednesday, October 4

I don't remember getting home, or how I even got home but I've been home for a few days now. I've been in my bed ever since he left, I have no energy left in me to get up or do something.

I lay in bed thinking about everything we have done together. The nights we spent watching a movie with the kids when he would get home from a business trip and get under the same blanket as we were all cuddling in.

Everything happened so fast for us, in getting to know each other, everything went perfectly and smoothly and everything ended from one day to another, just like how it started.

All those promises, all those minutes spent together, all those hours we spent talking about our future, meant nothing?
All those nights we stayed up telling each other our darkest secrets. Was that all for nothing?

Tears run down my face, my burning heart has not left, every second It's here it won't go away no matter how hard I push it away.

It just hurts more every second.

"I don't want you by my side."

Those words come back to my mind, over and over again.

"Stop. Stop. Stop." I begged, grabbing the side of my head and covering my ears trying to get his voice to go away.
But they wouldn't go away.

I wanna call Konan and tell her what happened but if I do, nothing will go well for them. So it's better if it just stays between us.

The words come back to my mind again and my heart breaks even more.
"Stop!" I sobbed.

I pulled my legs towards my chest and buried my head close to my legs.

I couldn't breathe any longer. The feeling in my chest was making it hard for me to breathe.

I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep, it's the best I could do to make this feeling go away.

I kept hearing knocking noises for a while back but my mind was too tired to notice so it would go back to sleep. But now the knock was so loud that it made my whole body shake completely.

I gently stood up, my head started pounding when I lifted my head off the pillow so I let my head fall back down. I heard another knock so I got up, ignoring the pounding because it was getting on my last nerves.

I close my eyes and let my tired body walk by itself to the door, I look for the doorknob and open the door.

"What time is it?" I ask quietly, as I lean my body on the door because I am not going to last standing up for long.

"It's two in the morning," The voice I did not expect to see talk.

I didn't have to open my eyes to see who it was.

My body froze, and my heart skipped a beat. I did not wanna open my eyes, I did not wanna see the person who left me when I needed him the most.

I quickly leaned off the door and tried to shut the door in his face but it was useless because he pushed it back.

I took a few steps back and opened my eyes to see Kakashi. My eyes widened, his eyes were dark, his face had a few blood stains, and his hair was a mess.

I look down at his body, to see his clothes with blood stains, his hands are dried with blood.

I knew exactly what happened and did not know what to know.

I took a few steps back and he started to touch my cheek. I should have felt disgusted but I felt nothing.

"You think I'll leave you just like that?" He whispers as he softly rubs his thumb on my cheek.

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