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Friday, June 3
6:20 A.M

I came early in the morning to prepare his food maybe around six. I was surprised he was actually up at the time. Which makes me think, what time does he wake up?

I got his breakfast and lunch ready. For breakfast, I made some pancakes with eggs and bacon. For lunch, I made him Yaki Udon (noodles stir-fried with vegetables).

I place the pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon on the plate then I walk towards the counter and place it down. Then I place the noodles in a white container.

I stood on the tip of my toes trying to get a mug down, I extended my hand more and only the tip of my fingers touched it. I let out a sigh and reached again.

"Good morning" I heard Kakashi say.

I turn sideways to see him walking into the kitchen looking down at his tie trying to fix it. He smooths his hand down the black tie and looks up at me.

His eyes widened and hurries to my side.

"Good morning," I said awkwardly.

I try to move but I stood frozen in that awkward position.

He stands behind me brushing his front to my back, making my heart squeeze. I could feel his hard chest, his strong abdomen. I could feel all his front, and that's when I felt something poking my butt.

Does he have his morning wood or is he normal? My cheeks quickly heat up...not only my cheeks but my whole body.

He pulls away, I turn around not looking at his face. Instead, I look down at his hands that are holding the grey mug.

"Thank you... I was going to make your coffee" I say, I look at his face to see a small smile.

"Thank you but making me breakfast and lunch is enough. I'll make my coffee" He walks towards the coffee maker.

"How did you sleep?" I ask him. I watch as he places the mug on the coffee maker.

"Couldn't sleep at all like usual" He says and turns around opening the fridge. He takes out water, opens it, and places it on his pink lips.

I watch as his Adam's apple moves up and down. I quickly drop my gaze down his pants to see that it's normal. I drop my gaze once again to see that there's no bulge.

I turn around and look at the white wall. It's normal, meaning it's huge. It probably will hurt badly but feel good at the same time. The question is why am I thinking about that?

"Thank you for breakfast. Looks delicious" He says, breaking me away from my filthy thoughts.

I turn around to see him eating with a smile.

"You are welcome. Oh and here's your lunch" I grab the container and place it in front of him.

"Thank you I'll bring the container clean," He says, placing more food in his mouth.

"If you don't like the food please tell me. I don't know what you like so I made noodles with vegetables" I say while looking around.

"I'll eat anything especially if it's made from," He says, I look down to see his plate already empty.

"I can see" I chuckle. He takes one last sip of his coffee and walks around placing his dirty dishes in the sink.

"I can wash the dishes," I say and walk towards him turning off the water.

He looks down at me with a worried look.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to do a lot for me" He says, placing the plate down.

𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now