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"Is it okay if I tell you the whole history starting with when I adopted them and their parents' past?" I asked a little shy.

I've never told anyone about their parent's past only Obito and rose.

"Of course it is. I'm all ears for you," she says and those words made my cheeks turn pink.

I clear my throat. "I adopted them as my kids when they were two months old. I didn't want them to feel the same loneliness I felt when I was in a ...foster home. I didn't want them to grow and realize that there is none they could lean on or someone that would take that darkness away. I wanted them to grow differently from how I grew up." I told her more than I should but I don't care. I want her to know everything there is to know about me and the kids.

She looks up at me, her eyes sad.
I did what I didn't expect to do. I stood up and her eyes widened. I walked towards her and sat down next to her, pulling her to me.

She was taken off by surprise but she wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest.

"Are you... are you still feeling lonely and is there still darkness?" She asked, and she started to play with my shirt.

"Not anymore. The loneliness and darkness are slowly going away." Because of you. You take that darkness away, You light all the darkness that surrounds me.

I know we just met and I don't know much about her, but I want to learn everything there is about her. Know more about how she is. I want to know her in every way possible.

"Now that you know that. Why don't I tell you about Naruto's parents and how... how they passed away." I lay back on the couch and she rested her legs on the couch and fully rested her head on my chest.

"Okay." She lets out a shaky breath. "I'm ready."

"Okay. I was searching to adopt another boy, I didn't want Sasuke to grow up without a brother, so I sent another email and when I got it I accepted it right away. Naruto was two months old when I adopted him." I told her.

"That's so nice of you, thinking about not wanting Sasuke to grow up without a brother." She says.

"Yeah." I breathe out. "Naruto's mom died when she gave birth to him. Minato watched Kushina die right in front of him, those were their names. Minato was devastated by her loss and days later... he died from a heart attack. He couldn't handle the loss of his wife." I sniffed.

She lets out a shaky breath, trying to hold in her tears. I hesitated but I started rubbing her back.

She lets out another shaky breath. "It's so sad. They deserve the happy ending."

"I know they did. They deserve the world. I adopted Sasuke when he was one month old. Okay... I don't know how to explain this one." I let out a breath. This one's complicated.

"It's okay, I'll understand." She lays down on my chest and I go back to rubbing her back. 

This feels so... normal. Like we do this every day.

"Danzo, that's the guy's name who wanted to take Sasuke. He has two other people working for him." She tenses but quickly relaxes to my touch. "Sasuke had a brother named Itachi Uchiha."

"He's... he passed away?" She asks while going back to play with my shirt.

"Yes," I answer.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

"He passed away a year ago I assume. Obito didn't know the cause of his death but they thought it was either an illness, disease, or cancer."  I answered her.

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