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Friday, July 22
8:30 AM

Tomorrow is Sasuke's birthday and we are all so excited. He'll be turning four and Kakashi decided to have a small party at his house, with some friends and neighbors.

"This is good." Naruto hums with his eyes closed as he chews on his fish waffle.

I chuckled. "I'm glad you like it." I grab some rice with my chopsticks and then place it in my mouth. I glanced at Kakashi to see him looking at the chopsticks that are wrapped around my lips, I playfully rolled my eyes and took my chopsticks out. He looked up from my lips with a smirk.

"So... how did you sleep y/n?" Kakashi asks while placing some chicken in his mouth and looking at me.

I chew on my chicken before swallowing. "I had trouble sleeping last night but it was alright... How about you, how did you sleep?" I ask while glancing at the kids to see them peacefully eating, making me smile.

"I couldn't sleep at all, insomnia kicked in again." He said in an annoyed tone, making me look at him. "But I could get a few hours of sleep so it was... okay." He smiled sadly.

I let out a sad sigh and stared at him who was smiling sadly making me press my lips in a thin line.

"Inso... in what?" Naruto asks while trying to pronounce the word, making me look at him with a smile.

"In•som•ni•a." I help him pronounce the words better.

"In•son•ni•a," Sasuke pronounced it after me.

Naruto looks at Sasuke with slightly closed eyes. "In• non•nia." Naruto tries to pronounce the words but fails, making us chuckle. He crossed his arms, pouted his lips, and leaned back avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay naruto you tried, just keep practicing and you'll pronounce it correctly." I smile at him who takes a glance at me but quickly looks away making me giggle.

"Are you guys almost done with breakfast?" He asks while looking down at his watch. "We gotta leave in thirty minutes so we can be there early." He glanced at each of us.

"Ah yes, I'm done already," I say looking down at my half-done bowl of rice.

He looks away from the kids and at me with an eyebrow raised. "No you are not, finish your rice."

I opened my mouth to defend myself but nothing came out so I closed it and picked up my chopsticks making him smirk. I rolled my eyes and continued finishing my rice.

I glanced at the kids who were almost done with their fish waffles. I glanced at Kakashi to see his rice bowl was full.

"So you're telling me to finish my rice when yours is full," I smirk while chewing on my rice.

He smiled. "I'm not hungry." He responded flat.

My smile drops and I chew on my bottom lip and look at him worried. "Yes you are, do you want me to feed you like a baby?" I pouted.

"I wouldn't mind." He thinks for a second. "I would love that." He smirks while placing a piece of chicken in his mouth.

"Well too bad I won't do that for you," I smirk. "You wouldn't like the rice to go to waste you?" I say knowing how he feels about food going to waste.

𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now