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Sunday, June 19

I grab my phone and turn off my alarm. I let out a groan and sit up. It's 5:30 a.m. I set my phone down and push myself off the bed and head toward the restroom.

Once I'm done with my morning routine I walk into my room and put on a casual/fancy outfit then head back to my bed.

I'm glad I heard the alarm. If not I'll still be sleeping, I've spent my nights studying. I still have a month and two weeks to start my second year of med school, but I want to be fully prepared.

I grab my phone and it lights up and that's when I see two messages from my boss (Kakashi). It was sent 3 hours ago. I furrow my eyebrows and click the message.

You're probably sleeping, sorry to disturb you. I wanted to let you know that I won't go to work tomorrow, meaning you can come at any time. Again sorry to disturb you. I hope you sleep well, goodnight.
2:32 A.M

My heart makes a flip. I smile at the text and read the next one.

Sweet dreams :)
2:32 A.M

I bring my phone to my chest and start jumping around like a crazy teenager. I flop down on my bed and re-read the text, when I have it memorized I let my hands fall beside me and start up at the ceiling.

What are you doing to me?... Come on, it's just a text, but for me? Maybe more. The fact that he remembered me at the time. My smile slowly drops. Why was he up at the time? Maybe he's sick? No, he was fine yesterday, more than fine. Maybe work? Could be, I'll ask later.

I sat and stared at the ground. Should I go back to sleep or wake up? Thirty more minutes won't hurt.

My phone buzzes. I picked it up and it's a reminder that today is father's day. Well, I don't have a father... but I do have a special one. Kakashi.

I have a father, it's just complicated. I left them when I graduated from school, they were so controlling and toxic.

Instead of thinking about them. I quickly make my bed and grab the three icha icha novels, they're the first edition and signed books. I wrap them all in brown paper and once I'm done I grab my backpack and head out.

With one hand I manage to open the door. I went store after store trying to find balloons saying "happy father's day." A lot of stuff was already picked out, but I managed to find a few.

I also bought ingredients for his two favorite dishes.

I quietly place the stuff down next to the table. I carefully bent down and took off my shoes and put the sandals on. I set my backpack down and headed toward the kitchen.

I check the time on the stove. It's 6:46. Not much time to cook but I can start preparing the things for some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I head towards the Fridge and take out the ingredients. Once I'm done I wash my hands and head upstairs.

I took my phone to see that it was, 7:06. Did I take that long to take out the ingredients? I shake my head, brushing it off.

I knock on the door slightly, I hear some moving noises. I open the door and turn the lights on too low, trying not to hurt their eyes. I see them tuck in with only their tired eyes showing.

"Good morning." I smiled and made my way toward them. I place a soft kiss on their foreheads. "Should we get ready for this wonderful day?" I whisper and they slowly nod.

"Today is Sunday meaning..." I trail off, trying to give them a hint. They furrow their eyebrows, looking confused. I chuckled. "Today's Father's day," I whisper.

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