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Tuesday, September 26
2:05 A.M


"Come on man, calm down." Obito tries to calm me down.

After I took her to the hospital, they took her right away from me and did some checking and cleaning. After a while, they brought her to the room and said that she would need to stay in the hospital for a few days till she felt better.

When she was gone, I couldn't breathe correctly, I couldn't think, or see straight. I was so worried that my light would go away forever and I would be back to complete darkness, all because he wanted me to suffer because of what my father did to him.

As I waited in the room with Obito, I couldn't stop shaking, my hands were feeling empty, and I needed her touch to fix everything in me.

As I paced around the room, my mind went crazy, and my breathing was out of control, I couldn't control myself to know when I was expecting to see her beautiful eyes, her voice, and when she touched me with her soft touch.

"Kakashi." I heard and I froze, I slowly turned around to see y/n opening her eyes, her soft gaze looking for me.

I rushed over to her and gently grabbed her hand, "I'm here my love." I gently kiss her forehead as I push her frizzy hair away from her face.

"I-" She tries to talk but quickly groans.

"It's okay, no need to talk." I chuckled as I placed another soft kiss.

My life is finally at peace.

7:10 P.M

Today has been a long day, a lot of questioning but I'm surprised y/n has not felt overwhelmed.

After she had eaten her three meals for the day she said that she was feeling better and she was ready to get out of there, after everything she went through she said she was good.

As I waited outside for the kids to arrive so they could spend the night with y/n, I looked around to see a lot of people walking in and out of the hospital, some bruised up, and some in wheelchairs.

As I looked to my right I saw Obito putting away his phone, and walking towards me with a blank expression. I had no intention of understanding in any way because he always walks like that.

I heard my phone buzz, I took it out of my pocket and read a text from Guy saying that he'll be here in five minutes. I turned the phone off and waited patiently.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Obito as he walks towards me.

He sighs and turns around facing the view. "Pretty good and you?" He responds.

"Good," I responded to both the answers and the response.

We stood still for about a few seconds before he disturbed the silence. "Will you leave y/n?" He asks.

"No. Why would you ask?" I quickly responded not liking where this is going.

He takes a deep breath and looks at me with a concerned look. "The fucking psycho ran away before we could catch him, he wants to hurt you and he said he's gonna start with y/n he's not done, and if he knows that you left her maybe he'll stop looking for her and go after you." He sighs.

He's right, the psycho ran with his little minion, they are laying low and waiting till he has his opportunity. Why haven't I gone after him? Because the prey waits for his food, I laugh internally.

I hate to agree with Obito but he's right, if I leave y/n till things calm down he knows that I'm over her and making the attention all on me.

"The kids will stay with guy." That's all I said before I walked towards the car and opened the door for my kids.

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