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Sunday, July 24

7:30 A.M

I slowly open my eyes and blink a couple of times as my eyes adjust to the morning light.

Once my eyes adjusted to the light I attempted to move my left arm but a weight stopped it. I turn my sleepy head sideways to see y/n head sideways on my forearm. I smile and slowly remove my arm.

I gently get off the bed not wanting to wake her up. I slid my feet into the sandals then stood up and made my way toward the bathroom and proceeded to do my morning routine.

Once I'm finished with my morning routine I choose a casual outfit and then head outside toward my kid's room.

We did our everyday routine and once we were done we walked downstairs.

When we were almost at the bottom of the stairs we could hear voices coming from the kitchen.

"Who is y/n talking to?" Naruto asks as he jumps down from the second step to the floor.

"That's not her voice," Sasuke responds gently.

I chuckled and stopped before going in, I turned around and looked down at my boys with a smile. "You are right Sasuke, that's not her voice because she is sleeping in my bed. And Naruto, be careful when jumping." Re-thinking my words, I let out a slow sigh and looked up at the ceiling.

Well, now the kids will be asking why she was sleeping on my bed.

"Why was she sleeping on your bed?" Naruto asks right away.

"Will she be like a family?" Sasuke asks right after Naruto.

I look back down and stare at their confused expression. I smile softly before kneeling. "You know kids y/n is someone special to me. she wasn't feeling good yesterday, her tummy hurt so she had to stay with me, and Sasuke we don't know yet." I ruffled their hair making them chuckle.

"So you saying that not today but later?" Sasuke tilts his head sideways.

"So she is my mom tomorrow?" Naruto asks, eyes full of light.

"Smart kid's." I chuckled and stood up. "Let's go." I place a hand on their heads and guide them to the kitchen where I see Obito, Hana, guy, and lee all at the table eating.

"Good morning!" The kids greet them while walking towards the table.

They turn around with a smile. "Oh, good morning."

"Good morning," I say smiling back. "How did you guys sleep?" I ask while making my way toward the pantry.

"I sleep alright, thank you for asking, how about you?" Hana response.

"I sleep well," Guy answered.

"I couldn't sleep due to the loud noises I was hearing last night," Obito complains.

What noises? I didn't hear any noises last night.

I made my way back with flour and looked at the table to see Hana and guy's face bright red.

"You got the answer Obito," I say and Obito looks at me confused, I sighed and rolled my eyes looking at Hana and guy.

He looks at Hana and guy with a smirk. "So you were the loud one yesterday, right? Guy, I didn't know you were a screamer." Obito teases making Hana's face even redder while guy mumbles cursed words at Obito.

I rolled my eyes and took out some eggs and milk from the fridge. I grabbed a bowl and started mixing the ingredients for pancakes.


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