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It didn't take a second obito to tell me where they were taking Y/N. He told me how she dropped off the kids at a light stop, a bold move but the kids are safe and are now being taken to the hospital.

The only thing that is running through my mind is y/n. Y/n. That's all I could think of.

I come to my senses to see that I'm going over eighty and I hear sirens behind me. I look through the rear mirror to see cops following me from a distance.

I sigh and press the gas, what a drag. I swift each car, lane by lane doing everything I can to make it to y/n.

I grabbed my phone and looked through my recent calls, and once I found the Obito name I pressed the bottom and he answered by the first ring.

"Everything alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Tell your little minions to back off," I demanded as I pressed the gas even more.

Fire runs through my body, and I can't control the rage I'm feeling within me.

"On it." He agrees before hanging up.

It didn't take a while for them to back off, they turned off the sirens and slowed down their speed.


As I slowly gained consciousness, I tried to bring my hands to my face but it was useless, my hands were tied up, and the rest of my body hanging, my feet barely touching the floor.

My body is burning with pain, my head is feeling like it's about to explode and my leg is throbbing with pain.

I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything, everything was blurry.

"She's awake." I heard someone chuckle.

I tried looking everywhere in the dark place to at least see something! But nothing was helping, till I felt a sudden touch on my face, I screamed in pain when I felt my swollen lip.

"Will you look at this?" The nasty voice laughed.

And I felt an urge to rip this man into many pieces.

I still couldn't figure out why they were after Kakashi and the kids. Yeah maybe they want the blood of an uchiha but they have Obito, but maybe they are too cowards to even look at him.

I take in a deep breath, not wanting to smell him in any way that I will have this memory for the rest of my life.

He pushed his hand off my face, my head dropping like it was nothing and I could hear him walking around me. "You know. I was going after the little boy, Sasuke." He mentions his name. "But then I saw a better and delicious meal I would want for myself." I felt his hand moving my face to the side and I screamed in disgust.

I could feel his dirty touch traveling all over my body, and I cried out. His touching me, it's not serious but just one touch of him is enough to make me disgusted.

"I can have you all to myself now." He whispers in my ear, and I move my head away.

I wanted to talk, I want to tell him how disgusted of a dick he is but I can't. I'm weak, touched, and done.

He moves completely away from me and I'm able to breathe. I take in as many deep breaths as I can without hurting my stomach.

"Bring me a chair," He demanded.

And I could hear someone running to bring him a chair. He sits down with a sigh.

"You know Itachi right? Of course you!" He chuckles.

My head lifts fast but I quickly groan in pain.

"The whole Uchihas were all old fashioned, they all liked to live near each other, why? Because they were all hiding something big and old, that they didn't want anyone to know and of course me? I was the black ship, god knows why." He takes a deep breath. "Itachi worked for me, I made him do all my dirty work, you see, I didn't like to get my hands dirty, but now I guess I have to do everything." He sighs and I could hear him getting off the chair.

"This whole thing is stupid!" He screams. "I wanted every one of the Uchihas dead because of what they've done! Or maybe because of what I did?" His tone changes, "But I'm just a psychopath that wants to do things because I can, and you? well you see you didn't do anything wrong but I just want you dead!" He chuckles and I could feel him near me.

I'm too tired to even lift my head, I'm exhausted because all of this is useless. He wants to kill me because he wants to hurt Kakashi.

I felt his sudden touch on my hair, he picked up my hair and smelled it. "Smell wonderful, I almost forgot a few things." He whispers close to my face and I scrunched my lips in disgust. "Kakashi's dad took my company, the company I worked so hard to get that was supposed to be mine! His father won over the company because of how great he was, he took everything I wanted but then he died and his first son got it. And now I want to take everything important to Kakashi. Everything he ever wanted and dreamed of, and I'll do that with you." He sighs. "Stupid right?"

I was too numb to move, so I just listened to everything this psycho of a dick has to say.

"Talk to me when I asked a fucking question you bitch!" He grabs my face and brings me close to his face.

I could feel his breath on my face and I gagged.

"Pussy." I chuckled, and I wanted to laugh at my response but instead, I ended up groaning in pain.

Pussy because he's too much to go after Kakashi himself, he's scared of what he will do to him, and why hasn't Kakashi done anything? Because he was waiting for him to make the first move.

And that's when I felt a door being kicked open, the man pushed my face. "Shit." He mumbles, "Go after him you stupid fucks!" He screams but his voice comes out weak, and I smile knowing everything will be alright.

I could hear metals being dropped, I could hear people screaming, and I could hear bodies being dropped to the floor.


As I take on every man who is coming after me, all I can see is y/n being tied up.

Her body looks cold, there's blood dropping on the floor, and every man that is being taken down is because I'm looking at y/n and she's giving me reasons why they are going to die.

My body releases all the madness I felt, all I see is red and I haven't felt this good after a few years.

I dropped their bodies to the ground, my hands filled with blood, and my knives looking happier than ever. I haven't used these knives and they feel great!

I looked around to see all their bodies bruised, and I saw one specific man trying to run away, he groaned in pain as he slowly started to get up but I walked towards him and grabbed him by the neck.

"Tell your little boss that I'm here to play, will you?" I pushed him into the floor.

And he quickly runs towards the way.

I take a deep breath, letting everything go. I run towards y/n cut down the rope and scoop her into my warm arms.

Her eyes are closed and bruised, her lips are parted and filled with blood, her touch is cold and her body is shaking uncontrollably.

I took every ounce in me not to cry. "I'm here my love," I whisper into her ear as I move her hair away. "I'm not letting you go," I whisper as I hold her tightly with my arms.

𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now