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Monday, September 25


As I waited to pick up the kids from school I couldn't get rid of this space in my chest, I couldn't stop thinking about Kakashi. He left three days ago to fix some business he had with the sand village.

He said early this morning that they finished work fast so he'll be coming home around eight, my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't wait to see him.

The car in front of me started moving so I did the same.

Today the weather is not looking so great, the clouds are dark and the wind is blowing hard. I guess it's alright weather for September.

I took a deep breath and waited for the kids to be called on. As I looked outside to my right I could see both of the kids running to the car.

I smile wide and unlock the car, they open the door and they both get in.

"It's cold outside." Naruto mumbles as he takes off his backpack.

"Yeah." Sasuke agrees as he does the same.

"It is! But how was school for my boys?." I ask as I press the gas and drive off to the coffee shop.

"Good," Sasuke responds right away as he looks out the window.

I could feel he misses his dad and I do too.

"It was great! There's this girl-" Naruto speaks about his day and he talks about his whole day.

"Okay! We are here!" I sighed as I parked the car and looked back. "Mind if you guys help me fix some things?" I ask with a smile.

"Gladly my lady," Naruto smirks as he unbuckles his seatbelt.

Sasuke rolls his eyes and I chuckle but nods his head.

"Okay! Let's go." I say happily as I turn off the car and help them down.

I've been organizing for about two or three hours now and all I could think was that I'm surprised the bad guys haven't made a move. I was so scared the first day but then the second and today nothing.

I look back to see the guys sitting on a free table as they color. I smiled and grabbed the boxes that were on the counter and walked to my right straight through the door. I open the storage room on my left and set the boxes down.

I locked the doors and made my way to the kids to see them still occupied with the same thing. "Are you guys ready?" I ask as I rest my hands on the table.

"Yes!" They said happily.

And I chuckled because they only moved one box for me and said they were tired.

"Okay let's go but let's stop at the grocery store to buy a few supplies for tonight okay?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah!" They got out of their seats and quickly cleaned up their stuff, happy to buy things for their dad.

The nearest store there is about seven minutes away so that's the best option for me so I can have enough time to cook for kakashi.

The only disadvantage about that store is that their parking lot has no lights and it's dark, but the inside looks fabulous and they have a variety of options.

I checked the clock to read 6:25. I have enough time to grab things and prepare everything for tonight!

We ran out of the coffee shop so excited to shop, cook, and see our daddy!


I thought that I'd be a quick stop but no. We had to take our time picking the perfect vegetables, meat, and other things the boys thought their dad would like.

𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now