Chapter 1

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Singto awoke from his sleep as soon as he realised there was no one beside him. And he despised it. It was still early, and Krist wasn't by his side. He dragged himself out of bed only to search him. But he is nowhere to be found in the room. When he is about to open the door, it is already open from the outside. He's right there. The love of his life.

"Where are you going? It's still early and you are already disappeared from this room" ask Singto grumpily. Krist just chuckled a little. He sometimes wonders how people can be afraid of him. Like everyone else who knows Singto Prachaya, including his brother, Gun terified of him like he was lion when he was literally like a kitten who always begging for attention and love. Sometime he is like pluto and muffin. Krist's cat.

Krist embraced Singto and said "Awwww... Sorry about that naa... I have to go feed your child or else they will be noisy. It's still early in the morning. Uncle Mark and Gun are still sleeping. I'm afraid they will bother them." "Wait a minute, you said Uncle was sleeping. Is he at home?" without breaking the hug, ask Singto. "Yeah. He only got home an hour ago. I believe. I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, but he said he doesn't want to eat with us because he is so tired. He stated that he would like to sleep for a few hours. I believe he is really exhausted" Krist responded. He appears to be sad for a little, but he believe that Uncle Mark is most likely exhausted.

According to Singto, Uncle Mark and Singto, Gun's dad, Mr Phunsawat have been best friends since high school. Their father died when Singto was 9 years old and Gun was about 2 years old. Both Singto and Gun were minors at the time, and Singto told Krist that he doesn't remember anything about how his father died. Singto and Gun did asked Uncle Mark about their father, but he simply replied that he didn't know. After returning from Italy, that's when he know how his dad died. He even stated that when the time comes, they will both know the truth. So they simply keep their mouths shut and wait for the right moment to come.

After their father died, Uncle Mark took custody of both of them and cared for them as if they were his children. They moved from Chiang Mai to Bangkok to start over. And by that time, Singto had met Off and New, and they had become best friends. Meanwhile, Krist's parents died when he was young, and he was raised by his grandfather. Krist's grandfather died before he could attend university. So he took care of his grandfather's coffee shop after that, and that's how he was able to attend university. Singto and Krist met their freshman year. After almost a year Singto tried to courting Krist, he finaly gave in. And that's how they start dating.

But, Singto told Krist that one day, he gonna find out about everything. He knows that something is wrong. Somehow, little did he knows that the truth is far beyond his imagination.

Suddenly, Krist broke the silence "Get ready phi. We will have breakfast together with Gun. I think's already awake. Today is his first day of university. I'm going to kitchen to make breakfast" Krist kissed Singto lips before heading straight to kitchen. And Singto rushes to the bathroom to get ready.


The breakfast was quiet and peaceful. At least for now. Until Gun came to the dining room and just shout "Well hello everybody in this house. How's your sleep phi Singto. Wait... Why even am I asking. Of course you had the best sleep cause you have phi Krist next to you. But phi, I hope you did not make phi Krist tired today. He had to work too. You know what I mean right". Singto just rolled his eyes. As for Krist, he laugh at Gun's jokes. This guy really does know how to joke, but sometime he make those stupid jokes at wrong time.

"Come get your breakfast, monkey. Otherwise, you'll be late for your first day. Do you want me to send you to college, by the way? Wait, who am I asking? Of course not. You prefer Off than your brother, right? You should not bother him excessively. He is my employee, not you monkey "Singto asking while smirking, He knows his brother. His brother is extremely fortunate because Off does not yet have a girlfriend. Otherwise, they might split up because Gun is constantly bothering him. A LOT.

"Okay, phi. He might be the boss in Sun and Moon Bodyguard Services. Actually, it is entirely your fault. Why did you make him the boss of Sun and Moon Bodyguard Services? Of course, it's his job to follow me around and make sure I'm okay since I am brother's of CEO of Sun and Moon Corporation" Gun responded. Krist interupted by saying "You are aware that no one wishes to harm you. In reality, you have nothing "Singto burst out laughing. Who want to hurt a teenagers who doesn't have anything... Gun simply pouts cutely "Oh, Phi Krist. Not you either.... When I'm around him, I just feel safe. That's it. That is why I prefer him to anyone else." Actually, this is correct. His absence brightens his day. 'If he prefers it that way', Gun thought.

"Suit yourself. But today try to go home with the driver. Because he have blind date this afternoon. Understood." Singto said with seriousness. Krist surprised "Really? Well I thought he is not interest in women". "That's right. He does seem not like women. But he still does go on blind date. That man is really amazing. Right phi." said Gun while trying to sound cheerful. Singto and Krist exchanged blank stares. 'Why does he seems so disappointed' Singto thought. "I need to go right now. I going to have breakfast with my friend. Good bye phi. Have a nice day both of you" said Gun, then left the dining room.

"What is the problem with Off going on a blind date? It's not as if he does something wrong. I'm baffled by this child. He's much too close to Off. I must take an action" Singto stated this while continuing to eat. Krist simply scoffed "Phi, really. A man who owns an entire company. Someone who simple conquer every projects with just one eye. Who always tops at every subjects during his studies. But you're still stupid about stuff like this. I can't do it with you. " Singto was speechless. "I need to go find out. Phi, I'll see you later" After giving Singto kiss on the lips, he just walked out of the dining room. Leaving Singto all flustered.

'Did I do something wrong?' he thought.


When Off saw Gun walk out of the house, he smiled from ear to ear. But why did he appear so disappointed? "What's the matter with you? You don't appear to be enjoying your first day of university. Shouldn't you be happy because you can find a girlfriend or maybe girlfriends?" Off said while smirking. "Well, I am certainly sure that I am not like you. You don't have to send and pick me up today. Today, I'll go with driver. Have a wonderful day, phi Off. Oh, and good luck with your blind date " said Gu and he just walk away.

"Wait Gun... Since when it's 'phi Off'. Where is 'papi'? Gun..." Off was just shouting, but Gun had already gotten into his car and left. 'What's the matter with this kid. And since when do I have a blind date today' Off questioning himself.

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