Chapter 5

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Krist awoke with pain in his ass. He didn't seem to be able to move much. He turned around and saw that Singto was still sleeping soundly; he was about to kill him but decided to let it go. Krist tries to get up but falls. Singto is awakened by the loud noise. He searched quickly for Krist, only to find him sitting on the floor. Singto quickly assisted Krist in getting up and asked guiltily, "Is it really hurt? I'm sorry for going so hard last night. I think you should not go to work today. Just rest at home. Today, I will accompany you."

"You don't have to stay at home, Phi. Didn't you have a important meeting today? You should definitely go to work. I'm fine, and if I need anything, I'll ask maid for assistance. Plus, it wasn't your fault," Krist said as he stopped Singto to get his phone. He sat next to Krist, took his hand in his, and said, "Baby..." Tell me how I can get to the office today if you can't move. Final decision. I'm going to stay at home and look after you. The meeting can wait, but not you. In addition, I was the one who caused you to be unable to walk today. So I'm going to look after you and pamper you all day. There are no more excuses." Krist was barely blushing. After a few years of being together, he noticed that Singto is always concerned about his well-being. No matter how busy he is, Krist is always his first priority.

"Fine, but don't cry to me if you lose the project or your client walks away. And last night, erm.... To be honest, I don't mind much because.... We.....haven't done it in a while..." Krist said this while attempting to avoid Singto's gaze. Even though his gaze did not meet Singto's, he could sense Singto's smile. "You know you're cute when you're as red as a tomato. I'm glad I was the only one who noticed it. Stay right here. I'll prepare a warm bath for you. Wait, okay," Singto said as he lightly kissed Kist's head. He quickly went to the bathroom to prepare the hot bath after sending a message to his secretary.


"Nong Gun, Nong Krist and Sir Singto will not be joining you for breakfast today. Sir Mark has already arrived at work due to an emergency. Sir Off goes out to run an errand, but I'm not sure how long. Are you okay eating alone or do you want someone to accompany you?" one of the maids inquired. Everyone was aware that Gun detested being alone. And if he had to be alone, he usually called them for company. Gun says, smiling. "It's okay. I'm not sure why, but I need to be alone right now. Thank you for asking." After hearing his response, she simply nodded and exited the dining room to finish her work.

He gets ready for college after finishing his breakfast. One car literally stopped in front of him as he was about to call the driver. The windows were rolled down, revealing the owner. "Get on. I'll send you to college. Plus, there's something I'd like to discuss," Off added. Given Off's expression, he believes it is best to simply follow him. He quickly gets into his car.

The entire journey was silent. After growing tired of hearing silence, Gun finally said, "So what is it that you want to talk about? It seems to be very important. I'm all ears right now." Off simply sighed and said, "Let's talk at a nearby coffee shop. I don't think it was a good idea to talk in the car." Just keep quiet, Gun. He really wanted to get it done as soon as possible. Why? He is terrified of himself. He is afraid of losing control of his emotions and crying in front of papi.

When they arrived, they sat quickly and began to order. Off looked directly at Gun, who was attempting to avoid it. "So, what's so important that you want to talk to me? Just make it quick. I have a morning class today," Gun said, feeling that the silence was too deafening. Off exhaled and asked, "Lately, why are you always avoiding me?" "There is no reason." Please telling me the truth. There must be something compelling you to do this. What happened exactly?" "I told you it was nothing. How come you can't understand?" "How can I understand Gun if you don't explain it properly?" "And why you should care. Shouldn't you be relieved when I'm no longer clingy to you? This type of conversation will get us nowhere. My class will begin soon." Gun attempting to avoid the question.

"Gun... tell me what's wrong. How am I supposed to know if you don't tell me?" Off literally begged Gun for an answer. Seeing Off's determination, he finally said, "It's because someone stupid like you. Can you tell I love you, papi? I LOVE YOU! It is love as a lovers, not as a phi-nong." Off was taken back when he heard that. "Gun... I.." he says, his voice shaking. Gun cut him off before he could finish his sentence, saying, "I know you're going to say that you always see me as a brother. Because my brother is your boss, we can be together. You've never had feelings for me. Don't say anything, papi. I know. I KNOW. I'm not kidding. There's no need to explain anything to me. You know what, why don't we pretend that this conversation never happened? I'm off to class now."

Gun just left Off all alone. His tears quickly goes down as he walked out of the café. He didn't care about his surroundings and just kept moving. Fortunately, Off chose a café close to his university. He enters the bathroom and sobs loudly. He didn't care if people thought he was crazy.

Meanwhile, Off was sitting there staring at the door. He was hoping Gun would return. However, Gun did not return back. He felt as if the world had come to a halt after hearing Gun's confession. How can Gun like him? 'He must be so confused. He is always with me, which is why he thinks he likes me. I need to get through to him. I'm sorry Gun. But I don't think I can reply your feeling'. Off began to cry for the first time. Not wanting to play with his emotions, he paid for the untouched drink and exited the café.


"So he admits he likes you. No no no. He actually admitted he loved you. And you simply remain silent. And then he just left you and your smartass brain telling you to watch him go. Exactly like that. Are you smart or stupid, Off?" New asking Off. He was actually surprised to hear everything. Off sighs deeply. He ruffled his hair and returned his question. "I had no idea what to do. For a brief moment, my mind went blank. Consider what would happen if this happened to you. What are you going to do?"

New said with a smirk, "If you love him, go tell him. Go make love if he loves you back. However, if you love him but the world tells you otherwise, don't give him hope. Your heart tells you that you love him, but your mind tells you that the two of you can't be together. Your actions indicate that you want him. And now you've come to me to ask what you should do."

And so forth, Off fell silent. "Love is a complicated thing." "It wasn't, Off. It's a simple but lovely thing. It was us as a human that made it complicated." New stand up and exit the room. Leaving Off on his own.

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