Chapter 27

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"Okay, will you explain to me what happen when you were kid? To be specific, why are you admitted and so on" ask the doctor. After debating with Krist and Gun this morning, he finally give up and go. He looks out the door and notices four people standing outside. It's none other than Krist, Gun, New, and Off. "I was having trouble accepting my father's death," Singto said, returning his gaze to the doctor. "I keep resisting until I was like living corpse. I even miss my father's funeral. After that, Uncle Mark helping me until I get better. Because of what happen, I did lose some of my memory but soon, I regained it. And I don't feel any more headache, or nightmare. Until recently, a lot of things happen and I can't help but kept thinking. I guess that why I'm hurt."

"What were you thinking or probably did you feel something when you were hurt yesterday?" the doctors asked again. Singto paused for a moment, "I did think about my father. I mean feel loss and the loud noise after that it's start hurting" "Can I know why your father's died?" "I don't remember" Singto replied. "Did you ask your uncle? I mean, director told me a little bit about you before you came" ask the doctor again. Singto take a deep breath, "I'm not sure about that. I've never met him before my father's died. Only know him through photos. The first time I've seen him while I was admitted. He came, introduce himself and hugged me. Telling me that he was here. Strangely, I feel save..." Singto stop in the middle.

Flashback 17 years ago,

Singto was terrified. All of the doctors and nurses are currently attempting to persuade him. But he remains hidden beneath the bed. "Get the hell out!" Singto yells once more. He kept yelling, telling them all to stay away from him. The doors burst open, revealing a man who was neither too old nor too young. After a brief conversation with the doctor, he approached the trembling little Singto. " Hi little guy. I'm pretty sure you have seen my face before. I'm Mark. Uncle Mark. Your dad's friend. Can you come out from there? I'm not gonna let them hurt you," Uncle Mark tries to persuade him.

Singto just stared at him, and after scanning his face, he slowly emerged. He looked at Uncle Mark, who was waiting for him patiently. Singto suddenly hugged Uncle Mark. "It's fine. I've arrived. You're safe," Uncle Mark assured Singto. Singto slowly melts in Uncle Mark's warm embrace. For the first time, he felt safe.

The doctor made a snapping motion with his finger in front of Singto's face. Singto was taken aback and looked at him, perplexed. "Sorry. I asked you a question, but you were off daydreaming. I ask you what happened when you were a kid," the doctor says again. Singto looks around and notices four people peering through the door. He's perplexed. 'So, the previous conversation wasn't real,' Singto reasoned. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember much," Singto said, clearing his throat. "At the time, I was still a child." "Does something bother you?" the doctor asks again.

Singto nodded and answer, "Yeah, it's nothing actually. It's about work. There are few things that happen and I need about them all. That's all." The doctor sigh. The doctor finally let Singto go after a few more questions. Singto excused himself and walked away. When he walks out, four people are waiting for him.

"The doctor said nothing. I was probably stress. That's all" They couldn't believe it. "Did you bribe the doctor?" ask Gun. "Or did you giving him hard time?" ask Off. And after that, it was followed by New's question, "Or did you decide to not talk at all?" Singto let a sigh before speak, "First and foremost, I did not bribe him. Second, I don't think I'm giving him hard time. Third, I did not remain silent. When he asks me a question, I respond. And fourth" Singto stop in the middle, look at Krist "I did not lie." Krist exclaimed. "How did the hell you know what I think?" ask Krist. Singto simply shrugged.

"Fine. I just wanted to let you know that we were worried about you," New explained. And they were all just nodding. "I know," Singto says with a smile. "But I assure you that is not the case. Let's go out to lunch since it's almost 1 p.m. right now. Don't worry, I've got this." "Since you were the one who paid, let's go," Off said, placing his hand on Singto's shoulder. And the remaining five of them leave the hospital to eat lunch outside.


He knocked on the door several times before entering. Lee Thanat as focused on document, raised his head. "Sir," the man politely bowed. Lee Thanat set the document aside and concentrated on what the man was about to say. "I followed him today because he had a doctor's appointment. It's because yesterday, he said that his head was hurting so that's why he had doctor's appointment for further checkup. But there's nothing. The doctors said it's probably because he was stress. Other than that, He and all his friend were having lunch together" report that man.

Lee Thanat nods and inquires, "What do they talk about?" "Nothing. They are simply discussing their university experiences. That's all," says the man. "It's still funny how he has no idea how his father died," Lee Thanat chuckled. Lee Thanat continued to laugh after he excused that man. 'I'm almost done,' Lee Thanat thought.

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