Chapter 25

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Hi son.

I know that you were mad at me because I've left you. But you should know that all I did was to protect you. When I know that your mom was pregnant, I was bewildered. One hand, I need to protect you, on the other hand, I need to protect us. Leaving you alone with all of maids, butler was one of the hardest decision that I've ever made. Was I happy about it? Of course not. Was I regret? Yes, I do.

After sending you far from us, your mom and I need to move out of Thailand. Because one of friend that I trust the most betray us. Everyone kept searching for me. There's no place here that would protect me. After some time, I want to bring you here, but you refuse. I know how much you hated us after what we've done. I got no choice unless to respect your decision. After a few years, we decide to move back here once everything is calm. But, little did I know, they still searching for me. And coming back here was the biggest mistake I've ever done. Because of that, I've lost not only your mom but you brother. I was mad. They kill someone who innocent.

I did told everyone that not to inform you knowing how much you hated us. And after giving some thought, I've made up my decision. I will make them pay for everything. After making sure that they pay for everything, I've decide to continue my life as someone who always watch you, someone who always cherish you even you did not ask for it. Why did I not coming to you? Because I did not want them to know that you were my son. So, they will treat you as a human being not as mortal enemy like how they did to me.

Lastly, please live a good life and not end up making the same mistake as me. Also, please know that I've always love you. You were the greatest things that ever happen in my life. Goodbye and once again, I'm sorry.

Lee Thanat reread the letter his father had written for him. Along with that, there are a few images. And it was his pictures as he grew up. Reading that letter made him realise that not everything is as it appears. After conducting all of his investigations, he finally realised what had occurred. It's not his father's fault from the start. Knowing that his child is still alive, he decides to finish what his father did not finish. Lee Thanat folds the letter back and goes out of the room.

'You just have to wait. 'I'm almost finished.'


Krist turns to face Singto, who is still lying on the bed. It's almost 8 am but Singto still sleeping. Krist awoke Singto a few times, but the older one chose to sleep. "Wake up, Phi. Don't you have to go to work today?" Krist inquires, trying to wake up Singto. "No. My head hurt like hell," Singto replied without opening his eyes. Krist gave him a worried look. "Are you all right? Should we go to the hospital?" inquires Krist. Singto opened his eyes slightly and smiled, not wanting his boyfriend to be concerned. "I'm all right. There is no need to go to the hospital. You should go to work," says Singto.

"How am I supposed to go to work when you're lying here?" "I'm fine, baby. I'm just going to bed. If anything happens, I'll call you right away," Singto promised, trying to reassure Krist that he was fine. "OK," Krist sighs. "I'm going to work, finish a few orders, and then come home." Singto gave a nod. Before falling asleep, he kissed Krist's hand. Krist adjusts the room's temperature, closes the curtains, and exits.

Krist goes downstairs and notices Gun eating breakfast in his pajamas at the dining table. "Eh... Why are you still in your pajamas? Don't you have class today?" ask Krist, sitting at the chair. "Nope. Today's class has been cancelled. What happened to phi Singto? Does he go to work already?" Gun asks, looking around for phi Singto. " No, he's sick. He said his head hurt so much. Since you don't have class today, can you help me look for him? I have to go to café and finish a few orders" reply Krist.

"He's sick? He's not type of person who gets sick easily. It's okay. Just go to work and I'll look for him. If anything happen I'll call you" Gun assured Krist. Krist nodded and goes out. Gun call one of his maid, "Aunty, please prepare porridge. And call me when it's done. It's for phi Singto, he is sick" "Sure nong Gun" his maid reply. Gun smiling and continue eating his breakfast. A few seconds later, he hears loud noise from upstairs and it shocked everyone downstairs.

Gun and his maids dash upstairs to check on Singto. Gun opens the door to find Singto on the floor, holding his head. "Phi... What's the problem? Aunty, call phi New right now!" Gun exclaimed. His maid rushes outside to call New. Gun assisting his brother to his bed. He looked at Singto, who was yelling and holding his head. "Wait a second, phi. I've already called phi New," Gun said to his brother.

Gun was waiting outside, only let phi New and his nurse to check on phi Singto. He looked at the door as well, waiting for phi Krist. When he heard the sound of a car, he looked at the door and recognised Krist. "What happened to phi Singto, Gun? Is he all right?" Krist inquires. When Gun called him and told him about Singto, he just ran out of the café, leaving everything behind. "Relax. Phi New was inside the room, checking up on him. Let's wait here," Gun said, attempting to calm Krist.

After a few moments, New and his nurse come out. "Why are you all here?" a familiar voice asked of three of them. They quickly returned their attention to that voice, Uncle Mark. "Are you not at work?" Gun asked back. "No. I realise I forgot to bring my phone," Uncle Mark responds. "Gun called me and said Singto was sick. Singto is currently sleeping. Let's talk downstair," New suggested. While walking downstairs, New communicated with his other nurse about preparing the medicine and ask Off about picking it up.

"Is he okay?" Uncle Mark and Krist both asking. "Well, he's all right. I had already given him a shot to calm him down. That's why he's asleep. I'd like to ask Uncle, has Singto always had headaches?" New asking seriously. Uncle Mark trying to remember before answer, "For now, I'm not quite sure but he used to hospitalize when he was kids. It's after his father's death. The doctors said it's too much for him to take in. But after a few treatments, he's fine," Uncle Mark explains.

New nodded. "Is it serious?" Krist ask, concerned. "The symptom that he displays is someone who used to not remember a certain part of memory, and it is now returning. But I won't be able to confirm it unless I have access to his medical records. Uncle Mark, where is the hospital where he used to be treated?" New explains. Uncle Mark debated whether to say it or not, but now that everyone is here, there's no need to hide it. " Chiangmai Hospital" "I already told the nurse to prepare his medicine and ask Off to pick it up. Please assist Singto to my hospital for further treatment if he is already fine," New added. Gun and Krist both nodded.

Krist excused himself to check on Singto, while Gun went to the kitchen to assist maid in preparing Singto's food. Only he, his nurse, and Uncle Mark remain in the living room. He did notice Uncle Mark looking uneasy. "I have to leave right now. Please contact me if anything goes wrong. I believe Off is already nearby," New said. Uncle Mark nodded and entered the house. "Let's go" New said to his nurse. They both leave Singto's house.

"It is just me who think Uncle Mark look suspicious, director?" as his nurse. New shakes his head, "Contact Chiangmai Hospital, ask for Singto's medical treatment. And I hate to say but I do feel the same way as you" said New, agree what his nurse says. 

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